This library is a Java implementation of YeeLight's Third Party Protocol. In order to enable your lights to use this library, you must enable LAN Mode via the official app. This library was built on the specification published by YeeLight.
// All values in this example are the defaults
YeeApiBuilder builder = new YeeApiBuilder();
// When calling .build(), if this is true. api.discoverLights with a timeout of 1000ms
// will be called automatically, set to false if you want to handle this yourself
// Finalises the build and starts the UDP discovery thread
YeeApi api =;
YeeApi api = new YeeApiBuilder()
// getLights() returns an immutable collection of all lights currently known to the library..
// The objects in this collection are a snapshot of the current state of the lights and will not be updated as
// state changes.
api.getLights().forEach(yeeLight -> {
// To change the colour of the light you would use the setRgb method
api.setRgb(id, red, green, blue, duration);
// This would change the lights to red over 3 seconds
api.setRgb(yeeLight.getId(), 255, 0, 0, YeeDuration.seconds(3));
// This would change the lights to light blue/cyan instantly
api.setRgb(yeeLight.getId(), 0, 255, 255, YeeDuration.instant());
YeeApi contains almost all methods supported under the third party protocol. Scenes are not supported.