Home assistant integration from lawnmower using the robotic-mower connect APP.
- Adano RM6
- Brücke RM501
In Home Assistant, create a folder under custom_components named sunseeker and copy all the content of this project to that folder. Restart Home Assistant and go to Devices and Services and press +Add integration. Search for Sunseeker robotic mower and add it.
In HACS, add a custom repository and use https://github.com/Sdahl1234/Sunseeker-lawn-mower Download from HACS. Restart Home Assistant and go to Devices and Services and press +Add integration. Search for Sunseeker robotic mower and add it.
You must now choose a barnd and a name for the device. Email and password for the robotic-mower connect APP.
English, Danish and Finnish
Standby, Mowing, Going home, Charging, Border, Error
Note The state is NOT following the standard states for lawnmower entity. The standar has only: START_MOWING, PAUSE and DOCK
Start - Starts the mower
Pause - Pause the mower
Home - Sending the mower home
Start - Starts the mower
Home - Sending the mower home
Pause - Pause the mower
Border - If the mower is in the dock it will mowe the border
Rain sensor - Turn on/off the rain sensor
Multizone - Turn on/off using zones
Multizone auto - Turn on/off auto multizone
Rain delay - Minutes from when the rain sensor is dry to start mowing again
Zone 1 - percentage of the start of zone 1
Zone 2 - percentage of the start of zone 2
Zone 3 - percentage of the start of zone 3
Zone 4 - percentage of the start of zone 4
Format of the text fields: Start and end time format HH:MM. Add Trim to mowe the border. ex. "06:15 - 17:00 Trim", "06:15 - 17:00", "08:00 - 24:00" or whole day "00:00 - 24:00"
Schedule Monday - Text field to update the moday schedule.
Schedule Tuesday - Text field to update the moday schedule.
Schedule Wednesday - Text field to update the moday schedule.
Schedule Thursday - Text field to update the moday schedule.
Schedule Friday - Text field to update the moday schedule.
Schedule Saturday - Text field to update the moday schedule.
Schedule Sunday - Text field to update the moday schedule.
Dock - states: home or away
Rain sensor active - on/off
Multizone - on/off
Multizone auto - on/off
Online - Connected (the robot is turn on an conneced to wifi) / Disconnected
Battery - Percentage of the battery
Mower state - Same state af the mower entity
Wifi level - 0, 1, 2 or 3
State change error - Return the error message if any, whene changing the settings. ex. "The mower is offline"
Rain sensor status - Dry, Dry countdown, Wet
Rain sensor delay - Same as the number entity
Rain sensor countdown - The time left before starting mowing again
Actual mowingtime - The time the mower has been mowing since last charge
Zone1,2,3,4 - Same as the number entity
Error - error text returned for the mower
Errorcode - The errorcode returned for the mower
Schedule - The state is always schedule, and contains the schedule settings as attributes.
Robot location - Some kind of anti theft thing. Returns the latitude and longitude coordinates of the device.