This Moodle text filter that displays questions from the question bank embedded wherever you can input HTML.
Here is a more detailed description of the functionality.
This plugin was created by the Open University, UK.
This plugin works best if you also install the associated Atto editor plugin.
Install from the Moodle plugins database
Or you can install using git. Type this commands in the root of your Moodle install
git clone filter/embedquestion/
git clone lib/editor/atto/plugins/embedquestion/
echo '/filter/embedquestion/' >> .git/info/exclude
echo '/lib/editor/atto/plugins/embedquestion/' >> .git/info/exclude
Then run the moodle update process Site administration > Notifications
The filter needs to be enabled. Go to Site administration -> Plugins -> Filters -> Manage filters and Enable the Embed questions filter.
You probably don't need to change the options on Site administration -> Plugins -> Filters -> Embed questions, but you can if necessary.
The Atto editor need to be configured to show the new button. Go to Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > Atto HTML editor > Atto toolbar settings and in the Toolbar config field, find the line that starts 'insert =', and add 'embedquestion' to the list.