No longer being developed.
some stuff written in python for the nostr protocol developed against python v3.8.10
- cmd_web, python client with web front end
- relay, relay implementation - basically working not really tested - now in monstr_terminal
- client, client pool - classes that implement the client side part of the nostr protocol for apps to be built on - very rough but working - NOW base monstr
- cmd_chat, example currently 1-1 cli chat app, partially implemented - will be monstr_terminal
- mirror_relay, mirror nostr events from one set of nostr relays to another - will be monstr_terminal
- event_view, view nostr events from the cmd line - now monstr_terminal
- poster, make posts from the cmd line - now monstr terminal
cd nostrpy
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
-- host run at a different host !important no authentication yet!! so only run at localhost or in trusted network as anyone who can get to the serevr can post as users!
The default is to run the relay at ws://localhost:8081 with an sqlite db at /home/.nostrpy/nostr-client.db, the directry and db will be created if it doesn't exist.
python run_relay -h for other options
live nostr events view from the command line
python -h for other options
- implement postgres as data store for client
- settings
- get
- put
- get with recurse up tree to defaults
- websocket for client probably shouldn't be getting opened each page but be in sharedwebworker
- enable media available from front end
- url for robos from front end
- connected relays should be being saved and on restart the same relays should be connected to
- light init mode where we only use a default relay to get relay list and then its all user choice
- boosts
- make sure the caching of profiles is working correctly and firing/listening for profile changes updates as expected
- it should be possible to new/link to a profile that we don't yet have the profile for , the profile may come in later e.g. when backfill is in progress
- go properly through adding/editing profiles make sure works as expected
- add delete profile method
- add link icon to others profile page that opens up dialog to link privk
- put relay_url.lastfill_date setting in on complete backfill and where we have this it'll be used in place of starting at oldest db event
- a job that runs in the background and will clean out old events based on defined rules
- profiles only sorted as they come from db and not as new events come in