WebPageTest API Wrapper is a NPM package that wraps WebPageTest API for NodeJS as a module and a command-line tool.
$ npm install webpagetest -g
$ webpagetest test https://twitter.com/marcelduran
var WebPageTest = require('webpagetest');
var wpt = new WebPageTest('www.webpagetest.org');
wpt.runTest('https://twitter.com/marcelduran', function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
$ webpagetest --help
- status [options] <id>: check test status
- results [options] <id>: get test results
- locations [options]: list locations and the number of pending tests
- testers [options]: list testers status and details
- test [options] <url_or_script>: run test, <url_or_script> can also be a path to a script file
- cancel <id>: cancel running/pending test
- har <id>: get the HTTP Archive (HAR) from test
- pagespeed [options] <id>: get the Google Page Speed results (if available) from test
- utilization [options] <id>: get the CPU, bandwidth and memory utilization data from test
- request [options] <\id>: get the request data from test
- timeline [options] <id>: get the Chrome Developer Tools Timeline data (if available) from test
- netlog [options] <id>: get the Chrome Developer Tools Net log data (if available) from test
- chrometrace [options] <id>: get the Chrome Trace data (if available) from test
- console [options] <id>: get the browser console log data (if available) from test
- testinfo <id>: get test request info/details
- history [days]: get history of previously run tests
- googlecsi [options] <id>: get Google CSI data (Client Side Instrumentation)
- response [options] <id>: get response body for text resources
- waterfall [options] <id>: get the waterfall PNG image
- screenshot [options] <id>: get the fully loaded page screenshot in JPG format (PNG if in full resolution)
- video [options] <tests>: create a video from <tests> (comma separated test ids)
- player <id>: get a html5 player for a video <id>
- listen [options] [port]: start webpagetest-api server on port [7791]
- batch <file>: run commands in batch, i.e. one command per line from <file> in parallel
- -s, --server <server>: the WPT server URL [http://www.webpagetest.org]
- -d, --dryrun: just return the RESTful API URL
- -o, --out <file>: place the output into <file>. Defaults to stdout
The default WPT server can also be specified via environment variable WEBPAGETEST_SERVER
- -l, --location <location>: location to test from
- -y, --connectivity <profile>: connectivity profile (Cable|DSL|FIOS|Dial|3G|3GFast|Native|custom) [Cable]
- -r, --runs <number>: number of test runs [1]
- -f, --first: skip the Repeat View test
- -v, --video: capture video
- -p, --private: keep the test hidden from the test log
- -L, --label <label>: label for the test
- -i, --onload: stop test at document complete. typically, tests run until all activity stops
- -S, --noscript: disable javascript (IE, Chrome, Firefox)
- -C, --clearcerts: clear SSL certificate caches
- -R, --ignoressl: ignore SSL certificate errors, e.g. name mismatch, self-signed certificates, etc
- -T, --standards: forces all pages to load in standards mode (IE only)
- -u, --tcpdump: capture network packet trace (tcpdump)
- -O, --bodies: save response bodies for text resources
- -K, --keepua: do not add PTST to the original browser User Agent string
- -m, --dom <element>: DOM element to record for sub-measurement
- -N, --duration <seconds>: minimum test duration in seconds
- -E, --tester <name>: run the test on a specific PC (name must match exactly or the test will not run)
- -W, --mobile: (experimental) emulate mobile browser: Chrome mobile user agent, 640x960 screen, 2x scaling and fixed viewport (Chrome only)
- --device <string>: device name from mobile_devices.ini to use for mobile emulation (only when mobile=1 is specified to enable emulation and only for Chrome)
- -M, --timeline: capture Developer Tools Timeline (Chrome only)
- -J, --callstack: set between 1-5 to include the JS call stack. must be used in conjunction with timeline (increases overhead) (Chrome only)
- -q, --chrometrace: capture chrome trace (about://tracing) (Chrome only)
- -G, --netlog: capture Network Log (Chrome only)
- -Q, --datareduction: enable data reduction on Chrome 34+ Android (Chrome only)
- -x, --useragent <string>: custom user agent string (Chrome only)
- -X, --cmdline <switches>: use a list of custom command line switches (Chrome only)
- -g, --login <username>: username for authenticating tests (http authentication)
- -w, --password <password>: password for authenticating tests (http authentication)
- -t, --sensitive: discard script and http headers in the result
- -H, --noheaders: disable saving of the http headers (as well as browser status messages and CPU utilization)
- -b, --block <urls>: space-delimited list of urls to block (substring match)
- -Z, --spof <domains>: space-delimited list of domains to simulate failure by re-routing to blackhole.webpagetest.org to silently drop all requests
- -c, --custom <script>: execute arbitrary javascript at the end of a test to collect custom metrics
- -a, --authtype <type>: type of authentication: 0 = Basic, 1 = SNS [0]
- -n, --notify <e-mail>: e-mail address to notify with the test results
- -B, --pingback <url>: URL to ping when the test is complete (the test ID will be passed as an "id" parameter)
- -D, --bwdown <bandwidth>: download bandwidth in Kbps (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- -U, --bwup <bandwidth>: upload bandwidth in Kbps (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- -Y, --latency <time>: first-hop Round Trip Time in ms (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- -P, --plr <percentage>: packet loss rate - percent of packets to drop (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- -z, --noopt: disable optimization checks (for faster testing)
- -I, --noimages: disable screen shot capturing
- -F, --full: save a full-resolution version of the fully loaded screen shot as a PNG
- -j, --jpeg <level>: jpeg compression level (30-100) for the screen shots and video capture
- -A, --medianvideo: store the video from the median run when capturing video is enabled
- --htmlbody: save the content of only the base HTML response
- --tsview <id>: test name to use when submitting results to tsviewdb (for private instances that have integrated with tsviewdb)
- --tsviewconfigs <string>: configs to use when submitting results to tsviewdb (for private instances that have integrated with tsviewdb)
- --affinity <string>: string to hash test to a specific test agent. tester will be picked by index among available testers
- --priority <number>: change test priority (0-9) [enforced by API key, otherwise 5]
- --noads: block ads defined by adblockrules.org
- --continuous: capture video continuously (unstable/experimental, may cause tests to fail)
- --spdy3: force SPDY version 3 (Chrome only)
- --swrender: force software rendering, disable GPU acceleration (Chrome only)
- --poll <interval>: poll for results after test is scheduled at every seconds [5]
- --wait <hostname:port>: wait for test results informed by agent once complete listening on : [hostname:first port available above 8000]
- --timeout <seconds>: timeout for polling and waiting results [no timeout]
- -k, --key <api_key>:API key (if assigned). Contact the WebPageTest server administrator for a key if required or request an API key for limited testing at webpagetest.org/getkey.php
- -e, --request <id>: echo request ID, useful to track asynchronous requests
- -b, --breakdown: include the breakdown of requests and bytes by mime type
- -D, --domains: include the breakdown of requests and bytes by domain
- -p, --pagespeed: include the PageSpeed score in the response (may be slower)
- -R, --requests: include the request data in the response (slower and results in much larger responses)
- -m, --median <metric>: set the metric used to calculate median for multiple runs tests [loadTime]
- --medianrun <metric>: set the run used for median for multiple runs tests [median]
- -S, --specs <json_or_file>: set the specs for performance test suite
- -r, --reporter <name>: set performance test suite reporter output: [dot]|spec|tap|xunit|list|progress|min|nyan|landing|json|doc|markdown|teamcity
Run (works for pagespeed, utilization, request, timeline, netlog, chrometrace, console, googlecsi, response, waterfall and screenshot commands)
- -r, --run <number>: which run number on a multiple runs test [1]
- -c, --cached: get the Repeat View (cached view) instead of default First View (primed cache)
- -t, --thumbnail: get the thumbnail of actual image
- -u, --uri: return the base64 string representation (inline) of actual image
- -f, --full: get full resolution screenshot in PNG format if available
- -n, --render: get the page screenshot at the Start Render point (i.e.: when something was first displayed on screen)
- -p, --complete: get the page screenshot at the Document Complete point (i.e.: when window.onload was fired)
- -T, --type <chart>: set the chart type: waterfall or connection [waterfall]
- -M, --mime: set chart coloring by MIME type [false]
- -w, --width <px>: chart image width in px (300-2000) [930]
- -m, --max <seconds>: set maximum time in seconds [automatic]
- -R, --requests <items>: filter requests (e.g.:1,2,3,4-9,8) [all]
- -C, --nocpu: hide CPU utilization [false]
- -b, --nobandwidth: hide bandwidth utilization [false]
- -e, --noellipsis: hide ellipsis (...) for missing items [false]
- -l, --nolabels: hide labels for requests (URL) [false]
- -e, --end <end_point>: frame comparison end point: [visual]=visually complete | all=last change | doc=document complete | full=fully loaded
- -R, --request <number>: the request number [1]
- -k, --key <file>: private key file to use for SSL
- -c, --cert <file>: public x509 certificate file to use for SSL
$ webpagetest locations
"response": {
"statusCode": 200, "statusText": "Ok",
"data": {
"location": [
"id": "SanJose_IE9",
"Label": "San Jose, CA USA (IE 9,Chrome,Firefox)",
"location": "SanJose_IE9",
"Browser": "IE 9",
"PendingTests": {
"p1": 0, "p2": 0, "p3": 0, "p4": 0, "p5": 2, "p6": 2, "p7": 0,
"p8": 0, "p9": 0, "Total": 7, "HighPriority": 2, "LowPriority": 4,
"Testing": 1, "Idle": 0
2. Run test on https://twitter.com/marcelduran from San Jose on IE9
$ webpagetest test https://twitter.com/marcelduran --key 1F2A3K4E5 --location SanJose_IE9
"statusCode": 200,
"statusText": "Ok",
"data": {
"testId": "121025_PT_N8K",
"ownerKey": "868cb2813a0f376a977dd1a24ab041b4f12361b3",
"jsonUrl": "https://www.webpagetest.org/results.php?test=121025_PT_N8K&f=json",
"xmlUrl": "https://www.webpagetest.org/xmlResult.php?test=121025_PT_N8K",
"userUrl": "https://www.webpagetest.org/results.php?test=121025_PT_N8K",
"summaryCSV": "https://www.webpagetest.org/csv.php?test=121025_PT_N8K",
"detailCSV": "https://www.webpagetest.org/csv.php?test=121025_PT_N8K&requests=1"
$ webpagetest status 121025_PT_N8K
"statusCode": 101,
"statusText": "Test Pending",
"data": {
"statusCode": 101,
"statusText": "Test Pending",
"testId": "121025_PT_N8K",
"runs": 1,
"fvonly": 0,
"location": "SanJose_IE9"
$ webpagetest results 121025_PT_N8K
"response": {
"statusCode": 200, "statusText": "Ok",
"data": {
"testId": "121025_PT_N8K",
"summary": "https://www.webpagetest.org/result/121025_PT_N8K/",
"testUrl": "https://twitter.com/marcelduran",
"location": "SanJose_IE9",
"connectivity": "DSL",
"bwDown": 1500, "bwUp": 384, "latency": 50, "plr": 0,
"completed": "Thu, 25 Oct 2012 23:42:11 +0000",
"runs": 1, "successfulFVRuns": 1,
"average": {
"firstView": {
"loadTime": 3942, "TTFB": 1518,
"bytesIn": 963405, "bytesInDoc": 431612,
"requests": 32, "requestsDoc": 19,
"render": 2509, "fullyLoaded": 7765,
"docTime": 3942, "domTime": 0,
"titleTime": 1641, "avgRun": 1
$ webpagetest waterfall 121025_PT_N8K --thumbnail --cached --uri
"type": "image/png",
"data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgA...RK5CYII="
Run test on https://twitter.com/marcelduran and poll results every 5 seconds timing out in 60 seconds
$ webpagetest test https://twitter.com/marcelduran --poll 5 --timeout 60
Or run test on https://twitter.com/marcelduran and wait for results listening on localhost* port 8000**
$ webpagetest test https://twitter.com/marcelduran --wait 8000
"response": {
"statusCode": 200, "statusText": "Ok",
"data": {
"testId": "121025_PT_N8K",
"testUrl": "https://twitter.com/marcelduran",
"median": {
"firstView": {
"loadTime": 3942, "TTFB": 1518,
"render": 2509, "fullyLoaded": 7765,
* hostname and port are optional, defaults to <system hostname>:<8000> ** localhost and port must be reacheable from WebPageTest server
Methods and options (including the one letter shorthands) are the same when using as a Node module, however a more verbose version of both commands (methods) and options (parameters) are available and encouraged to use for code clarity.
getTestStatus(id, options, callback)
getTestResults(id, options, callback)
getLocations(options, callback)
getTesters(options, callback)
runTest(url_or_script, options, callback)
cancelTest(id, options, callback)
getHARData(id, options, callback)
getPageSpeedData(id, options, callback)
getUtilizationData(id, options, callback)
getRequestData(id, options, callback)
getTimelineData(id, options, callback)
getNetLogData(id, options, callback)
getChromeTraceData(id, options, callback)
getConsoleLogData(id, options, callback)
getTestInfo(id, options, callback)
getHistory(days, options, callback)
getGoogleCsiData(id, options, callback)
getResponseBody(id, options, callback)
getWaterfallImage(id, options, callback)
getScreenshotImage(id, options, callback)
createVideo(tests, options, callback)
getEmbedVideoPlayer(id, options, callback)
listen(port, options, callback)
- id: test ID string required
- options: parameters object optional, see below
- callback: the callback
function(error, data)
optional - url_or_script: decoded url or script string required
- port: port number optional [default: 7791]
- script: script array in the format:
{command1: 'value1'},
{command2: 123},
{command3: ['value1', 'value2', ... , 'valueN']},
callback function has a third parameterinfo
which is an object with{type: 'image/jpeg or png', encoding: 'utf8 or binary'}
script array values 1-N are optional. e.g:
var script = wpt.scriptToString([
{logData: 0},
{navigate: 'http://foo.com/login'},
{logData: 1},
{setValue: ['name=username', 'johndoe']},
{setValue: ['name=password', '12345']},
{submitForm: 'action=http://foo.com/main'},
wpt.runTest(script, function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
- dryRun: Boolean, if
, method does not make an actual request to the API Server but rather returns an object withurl
which contains the actual URL to make the GET request to WebPageTest API Server - server: String, if specified, overrides the WebPageTest server informed in the constructor only for that method call
- location: String, location to test from
- connectivity: String, connectivity profile (Cable|DSL|FIOS|Dial|3G|3GFast|Native|custom) [Cable]
- runs: Number, number of test runs [1]
- firstViewOnly: Boolean, skip the Repeat View test
- video: Boolean, capture video
- private: Boolean, keep the test hidden from the test log
- label: String, label for the test
- stopAtDocumentComplete: Boolean, stop test at document complete. typically, tests run until all activity stops
- disableJavaScript: Boolean, disable javascript (IE, Chrome, Firefox)
- clearCerts: Boolean, clear SSL certificate caches
- ignoreSSL: Boolean, ignore SSL certificate errors, e.g. name mismatch, self-signed certificates, etc
- disableCompatibilityView: Boolean, forces all pages to load in standards mode (IE only)
- tcpDump: Boolean, capture network packet trace (tcpdump)
- saveResponseBodies: Boolean, save response bodies for text resources
- keepOriginalUserAgent: Boolean, do not add PTST to the original browser User Agent string
- domElement: String, DOM element to record for sub-measurement
- minimumDuration: Number, minimum test duration in seconds
- tester: String, run the test on a specific PC (name must match exactly or the test will not run)
- emulateMobile: Boolean, (experimental) emulate mobile browser: Chrome mobile user agent, 640x960 screen, 2x scaling and fixed viewport (Chrome only)
- timeline: Boolean, capture Developer Tools Timeline (Chrome only)
- timelineCallStack: Boolean, set between 1-5 to include the JS call stack. must be used in conjunction with timeline (increases overhead) (Chrome only)
- chromeTrace: Boolean, capture chrome trace (about://tracing) (Chrome only)
- netLog: Boolean, capture Network Log (Chrome only)
- dataReduction: Boolean, enable data reduction on Chrome 34+ Android (Chrome only)
- userAgent: String, custom user agent string (Chrome only)
- commandLine: String, use a list of custom command line switches (Chrome only)
- login: String, username for authenticating tests (http authentication)
- password: String, password for authenticating tests (http authentication)
- sensitive: Boolean, discard script and http headers in the result
- disableHTTPHeaders: Boolean, disable saving of the http headers (as well as browser status messages and CPU utilization)
- block: String, space-delimited list of urls to block (substring match)
- spof: String, space-delimited list of domains to simulate failure by re-routing to blackhole.webpagetest.org to silently drop all requests
- customMetrics: String, execute arbitrary javascript at the end of a test to collect custom metrics
- authenticationType: Number, type of authentication: 0 = Basic, 1 = SNS [0]
- notifyEmail: String, e-mail address to notify with the test results
- pingback: String, URL to ping when the test is complete (the test ID will be passed as an "id" parameter)
- bandwidthDown: String, download bandwidth in Kbps (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- bandwidthUp: String, upload bandwidth in Kbps (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- latency: String, first-hop Round Trip Time in ms (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- packetLossRate: Number, packet loss rate - percent of packets to drop (used when specifying a custom connectivity profile)
- disableOptimization: Boolean, disable optimization checks (for faster testing)
- disableScreenshot: Boolean, disable screen shot capturing
- fullResolutionScreenshot: Boolean, save a full-resolution version of the fully loaded screen shot as a PNG
- jpegQuality: Number, jpeg compression level (30-100) for the screen shots and video capture
- medianVideo: Boolean, store the video from the median run when capturing video is enabled
- htmlBody: Boolean, save the content of only the base HTML response
- tsView: String, test name to use when submitting results to tsviewdb (for private instances that have integrated with tsviewdb)
- tsViewConfigs: String, configs to use when submitting results to tsviewdb (for private instances that have integrated with tsviewdb)
- affinity: String, string to hash test to a specific test agent. tester will be picked by index among available testers
- priority: Number, change test priority (0-9) [enforced by API key, otherwise 5]
- blockAds: Boolean, block ads defined by adblockrules.org
- continuousVideoCapture: Boolean, capture video continuously (unstable/experimental, may cause tests to fail)
- forceSpdy3: Boolean, force SPDY version 3 (Chrome only)
- forceSoftwareRendering: Boolean, force software rendering, disable GPU acceleration (Chrome only)
- pollResults: Number, poll for results after test is scheduled at every seconds [5]
- waitResults: String, wait for test results informed by agent once complete listening on : [hostname:first port available above 8000]
- timeout: String, timeout for polling and waiting results [no timeout]
- key: String, API key (if assigned). Contact the WebPageTest server administrator for a key if required
- requestId: String, echo request ID, useful to track asynchronous requests
- breakDown: Boolean, include the breakdown of requests and bytes by mime type
- domains: Boolean, include the breakdown of requests and bytes by domain
- pageSpeed: Boolean, include the PageSpeed score in the response (may be slower)
- requests: Boolean, include the request data in the response (slower and results in much larger responses)
- medianMetric: String, set the metric used to calculate median for multiple runs tests (default: loadTime)
- specs: String, set the specs for performance test suite
- reporter: String, set performance test suite reporter output: [dot]|spec|tap|xunit|list|progress|min|nyan|landing|json|doc|markdown|teamcity
Run (works for getPageSpeedData
, getUtilizationData
, getRequestData
, getTimelineData
, getNetLogData
, getChromeTraceData
, getConsoleLogData
, getGoogleCsiData
, getResponseBody
, getWaterfallImage
and getScreenshotImage
- run: Number, the test run number for multiple runs tests (default: 1, first test)
- repeatView: Boolean, if
returns the repeat view (cached) data
- thumbnail: Boolean, returns the thumbnail of actual image
- dataURI: Boolean, returns the base64 string representation (inline) of actual image
- fullResolution: Boolean, returns the full resolution screenshot in PNG format if available
- startRender: Boolean, returns the page screenshot at the Start Render point (i.e.: when something was first displayed on screen)
- documentComplete: Boolean, returns the page screenshot at the Document Complete point (i.e.: when
was fired)
- chartType: String, set the chart type: waterfall or connection [waterfall]
- colorByMime: Boolean, set chart coloring by MIME type [false]
- chartWidth Number: chart image width in px (300-2000) [930]
- maxTime Number: set maximum time in seconds [automatic]
- requests String: filter requests (e.g.:1,2,3,4-9,8) [all]
- noCPU: Boolean, hide CPU utilization [false]
- noBandwidth: Boolean, hide bandwidth utilization [false]
- noEllipsis: Boolean, hide ellipsis (...) for missing items [false]
- noLabels: Boolean, hide labels for requests (URL) [false]
- comparisonEndPoint String: frame comparison end point: [visual]=visually complete | all=last change | doc=document complete | full=fully loaded
- request Number: the request number [1]
- key String: private key file path to use for SSL
- cert String: public x509 certificate file path to use for SSL
var WebPageTest = require('webpagetest');
var wpt = new WebPageTest('my-wpt.foo.com'); // default: www.webpagetest.org
var wptPublic = new WebPageTest('www.webpagetest.org', 'MY_API_KEY');
wpt.getLocations(function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
3. Run test on https://twitter.com/marcelduran from San Jose on IE9
wpt.runTest('https://twitter.com/marcelduran', {location: 'SanJose_IE9'}, function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
wpt.getTestStatus('121025_PT_N8K', function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
wpt.getTestResults('121025_PT_N8K', function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
wpt.getWaterfallImage('121025_PT_N8K', {
thumbnail: true,
repeatView: true,
dataURI: true
}, function(err, data, info) {
console.log(err || data, info);
Run test on https://twitter.com/marcelduran and poll results every 5 seconds timing out in 60 seconds
wpt.runTest('https://twitter.com/marcelduran', {pollResults: 5, timeout: 60}, function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
Or run test on https://twitter.com/marcelduran and wait results listening on localhost* port 8000**
wpt.runTest('https://twitter.com/marcelduran', {waitResults: 'localhost:8000'}, function(err, data) {
console.log(err || data);
* hostname and port are optional, defaults to <system hostname>:<8000>
** localhost:8000 must be reacheable from WebPageTest server
WebPageTest API Wrapper comes with a handy RESTful API proxy
$ webpagetest listen 8080 --server wpt.foo.com
server listening on port 8080
$ curl http://localhost:8080/help
$ curl http://localhost:8080/test/twitter.com/?location=SanJose_IE9
$ webpagetest listen 8443 --key key.pem --cert cert.pem --server wpt.foo.com
server listening on port 8443
- port 8080 is optional, default port is 7791
is overriding the defaultwww.webpagetest.org
server but can still be overridden withserver
option- when --key and --cert are provided, HTTPS is used instead of default HTTP server
var server = wpt.listen(8080, function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('listening on ' + data.url);
}); // listen on port 8080 (optional), default port is 7791
setTimeout(function() {
server.close(function() {
console.log('server closed');
}, 10000); // wait for 10s before stop listening
Batch command is available as command line only and loads a batch file containing one WebPageTest CLI command with options per line. It runs all commands in paralell but returns and array of results in order as they appear in the batch file once all results are ready. The exit status code is the sum of all individual commands exit status code.
By running
$ webpagetest batch commands.txt
where commands.txt
test twitter.com/marcelduran --first --location foo
test twitter.com/marcelduran --first --location bar
It schedules the 2 tests above returning an array of size 2 in the same order as in commands.txt
"statusCode": 200, "statusText": "Ok",
"data": {
"testId": "130715_AB_C1D",
"statusCode": 200, "statusText": "Ok",
"data": {
"testId": "130715_CD_E2F",
With exit status 0 in case none of commands returns an error:
$ echo $?
By running multiple sync tests, i.e. with either --poll
or --wait
, all tests are schedule and results are pulled or wait in paralell, it means if tests are set to run in different locations of same location with multiple agents, the final result might come together but the result array will only return once all tests are done. e.g.:
test twitter.com/marcelduran --first --location foo --poll --timeout 60
test twitter.com/marcelduran --first --location bar --poll --timeout 60
WebPageTest API Wrapper provides a simple seamless way to integrate WebPageTest with Continuous Integration tools.
$ npm test
- 0.3.3: Fixed bug when specs check for zeroed metric
- 0.3.2: Updated deps and fixed test runs with specs
- 0.3.1: Added dummy url when scripting, needed for webdriver scripting on mobbile agents
- 0.3.0: Replaced xmlResult.php by jsonResult.php WPT API endpoint for fetching test results
- 0.2.5: Added test options: custom, chrometrace, callstack, tester; Added chrometrace command (
method) - 0.2.4: Added test options: clearcerts, medianvideo, datareduction, useragent and tsview; HTTPS support to listen/proxy server
- 0.2.3: Updated DevTools Timeline API url endpoint for timeline command
- 0.2.2: Added response body command/method
- 0.2.1: Added history, video, player, googleCsi commands and continuous option
- 0.2.0: Replaced jsonml by xml2js dependency
- 0.1.3: Test results extra data (breakdown, domains, requests, pagespeed)
- 0.1.0: Specs (CI); Run in batch; Node methods/options as command aliases; new Chrome test options
- 0.0.4: Sync test with results via
- 0.0.3: Custom test results median metric; Custom waterfall; new Chrome test options
- 0.0.2: Minor bugs; 2 new commands: testers and testinfo
- 0.0.1: Initial release
Have a bug/feature request? Please create an issue here on GitHub!
Marcel Duran
Copyright 2013 Twitter Inc. Copyright 2015 Google Inc. Copyright 2015 Marcel Duran and other contributors
Licensed under the MIT License