A Mongoose library for MCP23XXX, a popular and cheap set of GPIO extenders using either I2C (MCP320XX) or SPI (MCP32SXX) The MCP23008 is an 8-port device, and the MCP23017 is a 16-port device, but they are otherwise identical.
NOTE: SPI driver is TODO at this point. Contact the author for details.
The MCP230XX is a bi-directional GPIO with input pullup capability. Each input pin can be explicitly set as INPUT or OUTPUT pin. For INPUT pins, the pin can be left floating or pulled up with a 100kOhm internal resistor.
Interrupts are handled with this driver. This allows for callbacks to be set for INPUT pin state changes.
NOTE: For simplicity reasons, on the MCP23x17 chips, intA
and intB
are combined, so it does not matter which of the pins are used on the chip,
any port/pin state change will fire an interrupt, and only one pin needs to
be used on the MCU to handle all 16 ports.
To start, mgos_mcp23xxx_create()
is called with the correct I2C
bus and
address (by default 0x20), and optionally a GPIO pin on the microcontroller that
serves as an interrupt pin, to detect MCP230XX input state changes.
NOTE: When the driver starts, it polls the current state from the chip without changing any ports. The benefit of this is that the MCU can safely reboot without loss of the GPIO state in MCP230XX.
The API follows mgos_gpio.h
closely, enabling ports to be set as input or output.
For input ports, mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_pull()
can be called with either
, but not with MGOS_GPIO_PULL_DOWN
which returns an error, as the chip does not support input pulldowns.
Notably, mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_int_handler()
and mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_button_handler()
work identically to the mgos_gpio_*()
#include "mgos.h"
#include "mgos_config.h"
#include "mgos_mcp23xxx.h"
static void button_cb(int pin, void *user_data) {
struct mgos_mcp23xxx *d = (struct mgos_mcp23xxx *)user_data;
LOG(LL_INFO, ("GPIO[%d] callback, value=%d", pin, mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_read(d, pin)));
mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_toggle(d, pin+8);
enum mgos_app_init_result mgos_app_init(void) {
struct mgos_mcp23xxx *d;
int i;
if (!(d = mgos_mcp23017_create(mgos_i2c_get_global(), mgos_sys_config_get_mcp23xxx_i2caddr(),
mgos_sys_config_get_mcp23xxx_int_gpio()))) {
LOG(LL_ERROR, ("Could not create MCP230XX"));
for(i=0; i<4; i++) mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_setup_input(d, i, MGOS_GPIO_PULL_UP);
for(i=8; i<16; i++) mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_mode(d, i, MGOS_GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT);
mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_button_handler(d, 0, MGOS_GPIO_PULL_UP, MGOS_GPIO_INT_EDGE_NEG, 10, button_cb, d);
mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_button_handler(d, 1, MGOS_GPIO_PULL_UP, MGOS_GPIO_INT_EDGE_POS, 10, button_cb, d);
mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_button_handler(d, 2, MGOS_GPIO_PULL_UP, MGOS_GPIO_INT_EDGE_ANY, 10, button_cb, d);
mgos_mcp23xxx_gpio_set_button_handler(d, 3, MGOS_GPIO_PULL_UP, MGOS_GPIO_INT_EDGE_ANY, 10, button_cb, d);
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