Makes out the core of several of our public releases, and is packed with useful everyday Java
utility that at least serves our needs very well.
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Maven dependencies available on maven central
Our other, highlighted repositories
Contains a bunch offunctional interfaces
similar toRunnable
and so forth all packed in a easily accessed and understood intuitive pattern that are used plenty in our libraries.Lambda.V1E
, ... -
Intuitive library that makes it easier for you to return multiple, fully defined objects on the fly from any method, any time rather than being limited to the default maximum of one. -
Allows for nanosecond time resolution when asking for time from Java Runtime in contrast withSystem.currentTimeMillis()
. -
A library to execute database commands in transactions without having to use annotations based on Hibernate libraries. No Spring! -
A library to execute database commands in transactions without having to use annotations based on Spring libraries.
Most of the code in this module is in because it is the least common denominator for other releases we've made or are about to make.
So some classes, like
currently only contains a subset of functionality otherwise found in our other, still private Base
With time more and more methods and classes will be added to this module, as we make our code releasable.
Our IO related operations, and most of our other API's, normally would throw a bunch of different checked exceptions
for various things, IOException
, ClassNotFoundException
and so forth.
Instead we usually transform a checked exception
into to a runtime
For a thrown IOException
we will throw new $IOException(original)
For a thrown URISyntaxException
we will throw new $URISyntaxException(original)
For all other not specially tailored exception handling we will simply throw new $RuntimeException(original)
We usually do this automagically using our Ex.runtime(exception)
method(s) to also avoid wrapping an Exception
twice. examples
is class containing various boolean related answers for various questions. Method names are consistently uppercase to allow us to
retain intuitive names such as Is.True
or Is.In()
as Is.true()
would not be possible to use.
Object obj = null;
Boolean bool = null;
String[] array = {};
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
Is.Ok(obj); // false
Is.Ok(bool); // false
Is.Ok(array); // false
Is.Ok(list); // false
Is.Ok(map); // false
Is.Ok(""); // false
Is.Ok(0); // true
Is.Ok(list); // true
map.put("a", "1");
Is.Ok(map); // true
obj = list;
Is.Ok(obj); // true
obj = map;
Is.Ok(obj); // true
obj = "hello";
Is.Ok(obj); // true
obj = Boolean.TRUE;
Is.Ok(obj); // true
... examples
// Some eachLine signatures (plenty more)
IO.eachLine (CharSequence, Lambda.R2E<Boolean, String, Integer, E>) throws E
IO.eachLine (File , Lambda.R2E<Boolean, String, Integer, E>) throws E
IO.eachLine (InputStream , Lambda.R2E<Boolean, String, Integer, E>) throws E
IO.eachLine (URL , Lambda.R2E<Boolean, String, Integer, E>) throws E
// Iterate each line in file and operate on eachLine
IO.eachLine(file, (line, number) -> {
int i = line.indexOf("=");
String key = line.substring(0, i), val = line.substring(i + 1);
System.out.println( "On line number " + number " we found " + val + "=" + key );
// write
IO.write (CharSequence , ...) : void
IO.write (File , ...) : void
IO.write (URL , ...) : void
IO.write (URLConnection, ...) : void
IO.write (OutputStream , ...) : void
IO.write (File , ...) : void
IO.write (File , ...) : void
// read
IO.text (CharSequence) : String
IO.text (File) : String
IO.text (URI) : String
IO.text (URL) : String
IO.text (URLConnection) : String
IO.text (BufferedReader) : String
IO.text (InputStream) : String
// read
IO.bytes (CharSequence) : byte[]
IO.bytes (File) : byte[]
IO.bytes (URL) : byte[]
IO.bytes (URLConnection) : byte[]
IO.bytes (InputStream) : byte[]
// mkdir
IO.mkdir (CharSequence) : boolean
IO.mkdir (File) : boolean
// mkdirs
IO.mkdirs(CharSequence) : File
IO.mkdirs(File) : File
IO.copy (CharSequence, CharSequence) : void
IO.copy (File, File) : void
IO.rename (CharSequence, CharSequence) : void
IO.rename (File, CharSequence) : void
IO.move (File, File) : void
IO.move (String, String) : void
IO.clean (CharSequence) : File
IO.clean (File) : File
IO.remove (CharSequence) : void
IO.remove (File) : void
// ... and more ...
// Create directory if not already exists, true for clean if exists
IO.mkdirs ("/path/to/some/dir", true);
IO.write ("/path/to/some/file", "Writes this text to file. Becomes the content in the file.")
IO.append ("/path/to/some/file", " We add this to the file.")
assert IO.text("/path/to/some/file").equals("Writes this text to file. Becomes the content in the file. We add this to the file.")
// Iterate nested directories, urls, zip and/or jar files
IO.Iterate.File.each, eachRecurse, find, findRecurse ...
IO.Iterate.Url .each, ...
IO.Iterate.Zip .each, ...
IO.Iterate.Jar .each, ...
StandardServiceRegistryBuilder registry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(properties);
MetadataSources metadataSources = new MetadataSources(;
// Iterate a java package on the classpath, could be a file, a jar, a zip ...
IO.Iterate.Url.each(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(packege), entry -> {
String klassName = entry.getRelativeIterationPath();
String klass = (packege + "/" + klassName).replaceAll("/", ".").replaceAll(".class", "");
Class<?> klass = Class.forName(klass);
// Add the entity to Hibernate JPA entities using MetaDataSources
IO.Iterate.File.eachRecurse(dir, file -> {
if ( !file.isDirectory() && file.getName().endsWith(".less" ) ) {
String text = IO.text(file);
IO.Iterate.File.eachRecurse(dir, file -> {
if ( !Is.Directory(file) ) {
String name = file.getName();
String text = IO.text(file);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if ( Is.Ok(sb) ) {
IO.write(file, sb);
$ examples
$, V, K, V, ...)
$Maps.merge(Map<K, V>, K, V, K, V, ...)
import static$Maps.*;
Map<String, String> europe = map(
"Sweden" , "Stockholm",
"France" , "Paris",
"Germany", "Berlin"
merge(europe, "Poland", "Warsaw");
merge(europe, "Norway", "Oslo", "Switzerland", "Zurich");
Map<String, String> africa = map(
"Morocco", "Rabat",
"Egypt" , "Cairo"
// Copy europe, then merge africa onto the copy
Map<String, String> world = merge(copy(europe), africa);
////// We print ///////
System.out.println("Countries in Europe: " + europe.size());
System.out.println("Countries in Africa: " + africa.size());
System.out.println("Countries in World : " + world.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : world.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("Capital of " + entry.getKey() + " is " + entry.getValue() );
Countries in Europe: 6
Countries in Africa: 2
Countries in World : 8
Capital of Sweden is Stockholm
Capital of Morocco is Rabat
Capital of Norway is Oslo
Capital of Egypt is Cairo
Capital of Poland is Warsaw
Capital of Switzerland is Zurich
Capital of France is Paris
Capital of Germany is Berlin examples
It is named Yarn
to remind us of the word String
, since it is for String
related operations, with a very specific purpose.
String code = Yarn.$("""
Hi ${name}!
We send you this email today because we at ${site} miss you!
Please come back to see us again soon!
""", "name", "Peter", "site", "");
is already defined for us of course! But we can also setup something else, like for a hash #{}
SH = new Yarn("#{", "}");
String line = SH.create("Hello, my name is #{name}!", "name", "James"); examples
Strings.eachLine (CharSequence, Lambda.V1E<String, E>) : void
Strings.eachLine (Scanner , Lambda.V1E<String, E>) : void
Strings.eachChar (CharSequence, Lambda.V1E<Character, E>) : void
Strings.join (CharSequence, ...) : String
Strings.quote (CharSequence) : String
Strings.toCharArray (CharSequence) : char[]
Strings.toBytes (CharSequence) : byte[]
Strings.occurrences (CharSequence, ...) : int
Strings.unchar (CharSequence, ...) : String
Strings.unslash (CharSequence, ...) : String
Strings.multiply (CharSequence, int) : String
Strings.model (Object[]) : String
Strings.clear (StringBuilder) : StringBuilder
Strings.append (StringBuilder, Scanner) : StringBuilder
Strings.Replace.first (CharSequence, ...) : String
Strings.Replace.first (CharSequence, ...) : String
Strings.Replace.all (CharSequence, ...) : String
Strings.Replace.allNewLines (String, String) : String
Strings.Prepend.with (CharSequence, CharSequence) : String
Strings.Prepend.linenumber (CharSequence, ) : String
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
$ examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now. examples
Documentation coming soon. Please refer to the source code for now.
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if you would like to contribute in any way, make changes or otherwise have thoughts and/or ideas on things to improve.