This project is based on Bus Ticket Reservation System. There are two types of functionality in this project one for Customer and one for Administrator. For use the customer and administrator functionality login is mandatory then only can use this functionality.
If the customer visits the website for the first time then registration is mandatory then only customer can login.
- Java
- MySql
- Book Ticket
- Cancle Ticket
- Show All Buses Root
- Add new Bus
- Change Bus Root
- Show All Booked Ticket
- Delete Bus
- Run com\mainMethod\
1. Customer
2. Administrator
3. Exist
- Now you have to Enter one number like if you are customer then enter 1.
1. Registration
2. login
3. Exist
- Now if you already registered yourself you can login if you visit first time then first Register yourself first you have to enter 1.
Give all the details one by one for registration.
- Now You have to Login
Login by giving your Email Id and Password
- After successful login
Welcome back to our travels mohit
1. Book Ticket
2. Cancel Ticket
3. show services
4. Exist
- Now you can use this functionality
- You have to login
Login By this username and password
username :- mohit20
password :- mohit12
- After successful login
1. Add new Bus
2. show all booked ticket by bus name
3. show all booked ticket
4. Exist
- Now you can use this functionality