This repository consists of 3 projects that I built and developed while taking Udacity AI for business Nanodegree program
This repository is to show up all my 3 projects under Udacity AI for the business Nanodegree program.
Project 1: Created a Medical Image Annotation Job, With the lesson Creating a Dataset. In this project, I had given a dataset (Kaggle chest x-ray dataset) and business goal, I designed my own data labeling job using Appen's platform.
Project 2: Built a Model with Google AutoML. In this project, I built a classification model to classify images of chest X-rays (Kaggle chest x-ray dataset) using Google AutoML, an automated machine learning tool.
Project 3: Developed a capstone proposal for vehicle identification.
- HTML: Hypertext markup language
- Google Cloud (Google AutoML): Trining ML models
- kaggle: For the dataset
- appen: Supports data sourcing, data preparation, and real-world model-evaluation needs