This repository contain code to create an EEGLAB plugin to perform Functional Data Anlaysis methods. This plugin has two main menus 1) EPOCH analysis and 2) ERP Analysis.
This plugin may be downloaded and placed in the EEGLAB plugin folder. Alternatively, it may be installed by the EEGLAB plugin manager.
You also need to set path fdaM in the MATLAB. It descrbes in tutorial pdf file.
1- Download the Zip folder name fdaM from
(Link: )
2- Unzip it in your PC
3- Open the MATLAB
4- Run “addtopath('...\fdaM');”
or in the MATLAB , Home tab -> Environment -> set path -> add with subfolder -> fdaM .
fdaM reference: [6] J.O. Ramsay, Giles Hooker, Spencer Graves, “Functioanl Data Analysis with R and MATLAB”, Springer, 2009.
V0.1 - initial release (2021-09)
The Tutorial folder contains:
1- Tutorial PDF.
2- Sample Datasets.