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Create a readable summary of Kismet XML files
- Accepts one or more Kismet XML log file(s) in a directory.
- Outputs Human-Readable HTML and/or CVS file(s).
- Displays ESSID, Channel, BSSID, AP Manufacturer based on BSSID, Minimum, and Maximum Signal dbm.
- Can be easily configured to parse and output more data from Kismet XML.
- Outputs both HTML and CSV by default with option to output only one of them.
- Output Files are timestamped (Doesn't overwrite old files) and You can change the prefix.
- OUi file (BSSID Manufacturers) is updated and smaller in size.
- Dark style.
- Improved overall HTML code.
- Python 2
- One or more Kismet .netxml log file(s)
./yaklv [argument(s)] [path to log file(s) directory]
-h, --help
- show help
-o {html,csv,both}
- Output format (default: both)
-n {prefix}
- Prefix for the output file(s).(default: Kismet-Log-Summary)
- Website: http://klv.professionallyevil.com (offline)
- KLV v2 Tool Released > post https://goo.gl/fMHhyR
- Author: Nathan Sweaney - nathan@sweaney.com
- Date: July 9, 2013
- Website: https://github.com/illegalPointer
- Author: IllegalPointer
- Date: Jun, 1, 2015