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Provision GKE cluster on GCP

  • Deploy jenkins as pod on GKE cluster
  • Use pods as agents to build and deploy application
  • Create a jenkins ci/cd pipeline to deploy a nodejs app on GKE cluster


Provision infrastructure on GCP 🚀

  1. Clone repository
  2. Edit project_id in terraform.tfvars with your project id and edit provider configuration

Finally Run the following command to provision the infrastructure 🚀

# initialize terraform
terraform init
# check plan
terraform plan 
# apply the plan it will take some time to complete 😴
terraform apply --auto-approve

Use the output command for authentication 🔐 with the cluster and open connection through the proxy

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke-cluster --zone us-central1-a --project anwer-gcp ; gcloud compute ssh bastion-vm --project anwer-gcp  --zone us-central1-a -- -4 -L8888:localhost:8888 -N -q -f && export HTTPS_PROXY=localhost:8888

Deploy Jenkins using kubectl 🚀

Commands 💻
kubectl apply -f ./jenkins/namespace.yaml
kubectl apply -Rf ./jenkins

configure jenkins to access the cluster

Copy kube config file to Jenkins pod
$ kubectl get po -n jenkins-ns 

NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
jenkins-server-65b987d59-gm9k4   1/1     Running   0          2m34s

$ kubectl exec -n jenkins-ns -it jenkins-server-65b987d59-gm9k4 -- /bin/bash

#  inside pod
$ mkdir /var/jenkins_home/.kube
$ exit
# copy config file to jenkins pod

DevOps:$  kubectl cp -n jenkins-ns  ~/.kube/config jenkins-server-65b987d59-gm9k4:/var/jenkins_home/.kube/config

Open jenkins in browser

goto MangeJenkins => Manage nodes and cloud => configure clouds => kubernetes

describe jnlp service to get the endpoint

$ kubectl describe service jenkins-jnlp -n jenkins-ns

Create a pipeline to build nodejs_app on GKE cluster

Create ci/cd pipeline on jenkins to deploy the application 🚀

Using a declarative pipeline to deploy the application on GKE cluster

Link to pipeline script

Deploy jenkins using ansible

start by init ansible galaxy

Create role

ansible-galaxy init jenkins
Configure bastion with kubeconfig file and run ansible playbook


Clean up 💣

terraform destroy --auto-approve

ToDo: for production

  • Integrate jenkins with github webhooks for automatic ci/cd
  • Integrate with slack for notifications
  • Create infrastructure pipeline to provision the infrastructure on GCP (optional)
  • Use helm to deploy the application on GKE cluster (optional)
  • Create a dev and prod environment for the application and infrastructure
  • Backup the jenkins_home directory to a bucket (optional)

This Article and kubernetes plugins Documentation I used to configure Docker with jenkins and dynamic agent

Application repository: contain the application code and the pipeline script

Application repository


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