Added DoubleClicker.h to handle double and triple mouse clicks.
I use this to enable or disable some editing, changing modes... on my ofApps.
This class is an example:
C++ openFrameworks addon which wraps up some poco functionality to make flash-like objects which auto updates/draws and adds mouse methods like onRollOver, onPress, OnRollout? etc with bounds checking with easy to remember functions to register/un-register callbacks.
The code in this repository is available under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Memo Akten,
The Mega Super Awesome Visuals Company
Copy to your openFrameworks/addons folder.
- compatible with OF0072
- renamed (uppercase) MSA namespace to (lowercase) msa. (kept MSA as an alias for backwards compatibility)
- changed license to revised BSD (a lot more more permissive than GPL)
- updated to work with the oF 006 event system (thanks to arturo)
- added onDragOutside() callback
- fixed bug with onReleaseOutside()
- minor poco compatibility update
- initial version