Asterisk Voicemail email seems to be quite limited when it comes about configuring email body:
- Email body is a one line text with backslash escapes and Asterisk variables.
- It is limited to 512 characters (see voicemail.conf.sample)
Under these circumstances it is impossible to create nice looking, formatted emails, to have individual email templates per user or multi-languages emails' templates.
This simple a simple library which is supposed to address these shortcomings.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'asterisk-mailcmd', :git => git://
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ git clone git://
$ cd asterisk-mailcmd
$ gem build asterisk-mailcmd.gemspec
$ gem install asterisk-mailcmd-X.X.X.gem
Asterisk voice mail must be configured to run this library when new voicemail received. There is an option mailcmd in voicemail.conf which must link to the executable script with this library:
Another option that must be set is the mailbody
This is a list of variables that will be used in ERB templates.
You can not use asterisk-mailcmd CLI application installed with this gem directly as a reference in in option mailcmd because Asterisk when asterisk run the command, it will not have information about your environment like path to ruby interpreter. For that you must have a wrapper. Example of the wrapper can be found with the source: "sample/". Here is sample code:
# This is as simple wrapper for ruby application asterisk-mailcmd
# when using RVM (Ruby Version Manager:
# path to HTML and TEXT templates in ERB format
# see samples in "sample" directory
# load RVM profile
source /etc/profile.d/
# run mail command
asterisk-mailcmd -t $TEXT_TMPL -m $HTML_TMPL
exit 0
Save this to file /usr/local/bin/mailcmd, just like it is set with mailcmd option. Make sure that the file is executable.
You can create your own ruby script:
require 'asterisk/mailcmd'
Asterisk::Mailcmd::Email.set_and_send :text_tmpl => '/path/text.erb',
:html_tmpl => '/path/html.erb'
:html_tmpl => String: MANDATORY: HTML part ERB template file path
:text_tmpl => String: MANDATORY: Text part ERB template file path
:charset => String: OPTIONAL: Content type charset
:date => Time: OPTIONAL: Email date
Templates are ERB format with variables that are set with Asterisk (see option mailbody):
<h1>There is new mail in mailbox: <%= @astvars[:VM_MAILBOX].to_s %> </h1>
There are two example files in directory sample.
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request