This action is meant to be used by the Mochi collection of packages to test that they can be built using Spack (their latest version or any other specified version). The following is a minimal example of github workflow that tests every day that the latest version of the package can be built with the develop branch of Spack.
name: Build the latest release using Spack
workflow_dispatch: {}
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
name: Build the latest version of the package
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: mochi-hpc/mochi-test-build-action@v3
This workflow will infer the name of the package to install from the name of the repository running the action (for instance if mochi-hpc/mochi-margo runs the action, then the action will install mochi-margo).
Here is a more complete version of the workflow, specifying all the possible inputs:
name: Build the latest release using Spack
workflow_dispatch: {}
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
name: Build the latest version of the package
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: mochi-hpc/mochi-test-build-action@v3
# The package name will default to the name of the repository
package-name: mochi-margo
# The version will default to whatever is the preferred version for the package
# Note that the "@" is required before the version
package-version: '@1.2.3'
# If specified, build-cache-token should be set to ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }},
# this will make the workflow push any dependencies built to the mochi-spack-buildcache
# after a successful installation of the package
build-cache-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# By default, only the dependencies of the root package will be pushed into the cache.
# To also push the root package, set push-only-dependencies to false.
push-only-dependencies: true
# Version of spack to use (default is the develop branch)
spack-version: v0.22.1
# Reference (main or a commit hash) to use for mochi-spack-packages (default is main)
mochi-spack-packages-version: main