Library that integrates and utilizes the Klarna offline API
The full API specs are avaliable at apiary ->
Install-Package Mnording.Klarna.Offline
Firstly you create a config of the current culture, your currency, country, shared secret and store ID.
MerchantConfig config = MerchantConfig(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Currency.SEK, Country.SE, "YOURSharedSECRET", "MERCHANT_ID");
To recieve your merchant ID and shared secret for your integration you will need to reach out to Klarna.
You then create a cart, and populate it with items
Cart cart = new Cart();
cart.addProduct(new CartRow("Prod1234", "New Shoes for you", 1, 10000, 25));
cart.addProduct(new CartRow("Prod1233", "New purple for you", 1, 10000, 25));
You are also able to define discounts for the cart.
cart.addDiscount(new CartRow("discount-1", "Summer sales", 1, -1000,25));
Note: Prices are entered with amount of cents. Meaning a product that costs 10 SEK, you must enter 1000.
First you send in the cart and config and an optional push url
Use polling method
By only starting the order, you will receive a status url hosted by klarna that will communicate the order details once the customer has completed the purchase.
OfflineOrder offlineOrder = new OfflineOrder(cart, config, "terminal", phone, "Merchant_OrderReference");
Use push url method If you define a status url, then order-data will be pushed to that url when customer has completed the purchase.
OfflineOrder offlineOrder = new OfflineOrder(cart, config, "terminal", phone, "1", new Uri(""));
Create the order
The create call will create the actual KCO session and send out the SMS to the consumer
If you did not define your own status URL, Klarna will create one for you that you will use for polling the result of the transaction
Cancel ongoing order
Note: Order must have been created before you can cancel it.
Using polling method:
If you wanted Klarna to create a status url for you, you can use the url that is created on the order, to poll for information.
string url = offlineOrder.GetStatusUrl();
This url will timeout every 60 seconds and you will need to re-trigger it to check as long as the customer has not completed the purchase
OrderDetails details = offlineOrder.pollData(url);
Using status url method
If you defined your own statusurl, Klarna will post data to that url. To read all order-data you can use the JsonConverter.
OrderDetails details =JsonConverter.GetOrderFromString(jsonString);