Ncurses based viewer and watcher (through mpv) for youtube subscriptions.
& run ytsm
Show key bindings ?
Download the OPML file by clicking Export subscriptions at the bottom of your Manage Subscriptions.
Put a list of channel urls in a channelUrlList.conf file. Both should be kept in the same folder as the executable.
Compiles in Gentoo, ncurses is finickity, probably remove -ltinfo from the LIBS of the makefile for non-gentoo systems where the two libraries are likely not split.
boost libraries
ncurses libraries
- implement a new video icon
- implement a watched icon
- catagories
- oplm file import?
- key binding help guide/ better keybndings
- fix locations (move to .config)
- Makefile (chmod +x the shell scripts)
- Makefile create cache folder
- Alphabetise the sub list
- Pageup and down + scroll
- Add search
Add video lengthNot possible from RSS - Multiple Accounts