This automation tools leverage HashiCorp Terraform and Ansible playbook ansible-hadoop to build Hortonworks HDP cluster on AWS.
Set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, and put customized variables into terraform.tfvars
Terraform command examples:
Generate and show an execution plan:
../ plan
Builds or changes infrastructure:
../ apply
Destroy specific resource:
../ destroy -target=aws_instance.master -target=aws_instance.slave -target=aws_instance.bastion
Using terraform script vpc
to creates a new AWS VPC and two subnets, one is public subnet, and another on is private subnet.
Create terraform variable file onto vpc
directory to override default value.
cd vpc
cat > terraform.tfvars << \EOF
aws_key_name = "main"
ssh_public_key = <<KEY
Create AWS VPC ans subnets.
../ graph | dot -Tpng > graph.png
../ validate
../ refresh -resource=aws_default_network_acl.main
../ plan
../ apply
cd hdp-cluster
cat > terraform.tfvars <<\EOF
aws_vpc_id = "vpc-id"
aws_public_subnet_id = "public-subnet-id"
aws_private_subnet_id = "private-subnet-id"
aws_key_name = "main"
ssh_private_key = <<EOF
../ plan
../ apply
Get bastion instance public ip address from terraform output bastion_public_ip
, and login to it.
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa bastion_public_ip
Test the instance connection:
. /home/ubuntu/.venv/bin/activate
ansible all -m ping
ansible all -m shell -a "date"
Provision HDP cluster:
cd ~/ansible-hadoop/
The HDP build in AWS private subnet, so access Ambari can be access by ssh port forwarding:
ssh -CN -L 8080:ambari_private_ip:8080 ubuntu@bastion_public_ip
# Username: admin
# Password: admin123
open http://localhost:8080
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