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wisely - simple secrets store for Google Cloud KMS


Wisely is a simple secrets management library. Secrets are stored in an encrypted form in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) buckets. Encryption routines leverage Google Cloud's Key Management Store (KMS) service. Once secrets are decrypted, they are readily available as a dict() within Python.


pip3 install wisely



Wisley requires a simple configuration before you get started. For the sake of, simplcity, this documentation assumes that you have already created a GCS bucket for secret storage, and have also created a KMS keyring and key.

Let's get familar with some basic terms required for the configuration:

  • project_id: Google Cloud project ID

  • secret_path: Filename of secret file in GCS

  • keyring_id: KMS keyring name

  • crypto_id: KMS key name within the specified keyring

  • location_id: Google Cloud zone the keyring is located in

  • bucket_name: GCS bucket name to store secrets

  • mode: Method used to parse secrets. Valid options are kv, json, or raw

  • delim: Delimiter for key/values when in mode kv


    The wisely configuration file is a simple yaml file. By default, wisely will look for the configuration file in ~/.wisley. The basic construct is:

     project_id = my_google_project-10234
     secret_path = secrets.txt
     keyring_id = my_soooper_keyring
     crypto_id = the_key
     location_id = us-west1-a
     bucket_name = sooper-secret-bucket-12312321
     mode = kv
     delim = :

    If the [global] configuration section exists, wisley will load those first. For instance, if there is a shared project_id across all of your secrets, you may want to define project_id in [global]:

         project_id = my_google_project-10234
         secret_path = secrets-one.txt
         keyring_id = my_soooper_keyring
         crypto_id = the_key_one
         location_id = us-west1-a
         bucket_name = sooper-secret-bucket-12312321
         secret_path = secrets-two.txt
         keyring_id = my_soooper_keyring
         crypto_id = the_key_two
         location_id = us-west1-a
         bucket_name = sooper-secret-bucket-12312321

    Environment Variables

    If no configuration options are defined, wisely will attempt to gather the required configuration options from environment variables:


Adding/Updating Secret Configuration

Wisley provides a simple cli interface that allows for adding secret configurations:

wisley secret_name --path secrets.txt --project my_google_project-10234 \
        --keyring my_soooper_keyring --crypto the_key \
        --bucket sooper-secret-bucket-12312321 --location us-west1-a

Likewise, if you would like to update an individual secret configuration, such as updating the bucket name, simply add the --update argument:

wisley secret_name --update --bucket new-secret-bucket-121321

Adding Secrets

A secrets file can be plaintext, key/value pairs, or json. By default, wisely will assume that the mode is a key/value pair.

For example:


Or, if json:

    {"USER": "joebob", "PASS": "soopersecret321"}

The secrets file may also be plaintext, which will not be parsed in any way by wisely.

To add a new secret, simply run:

    wisely encrypt secret_name cleartext-file.txt

Once completed, the encrypted file will be encrypted and uploaded to the specified GCS bucket. If you want to update the encrypted secrets file:

    wisely decrypt secret_name -o cleartext-file.txt

Using in scripts

Using wisely in scripts is extremely easy. There are two ways to instantiate Wisley.

You can either pass all of the required configuration options:

    from wisely import Wisely

    project_id = 'my_google_project-10234'
    secret_path = 'secrets.txt'
    keyring_id = 'my_soooper_keyring'
    crypto_id = 'the_key'
    location = 'us-west1-a'
    bucket_name = 'sooper-secret-bucket-12312321'
    mode = 'json'

    wise = Wisley(
        project_id=project_id, secret_path=secret_path, keyring_id=keyring_id,
        crypto_id=crypto_id, location=location, bucket_name=bucket_name,

    secrets = wise.decrypt()

    user = secrets['USER']
    pass = secrets['PASS']

    print('User: {}, Pass: {}'.format(user, pass))

Or, if all enviroment variables are properly defined:

    from wisely import Wisely

    wise = Wisely()
    secrets = wise.decrypt()

    user = secrets['USER']
    pass = secrets['PASS']

    print('User: {}, Pass: {}'.format(user, pass))