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MVP (Minimum Viable Pants)

Even though pants provide detailed documentation, it lacks a beginner friendly monorepo where users can interact to explore its key concepts. The goals of this repo are:

  • To provide a minimal example to showcase pants.
  • Lay the foundations for a generic monorepo which can be carried over to other projects.

Repository Structure

This monorepo represents the products of a video editing services which contains the following packages:

  • base: The package shared across different services.
  • resize: The service to resize a provided video input.
  • track: The service to track faces in a provided video.

Package Structure

Each package contains three main files:

  • BUILD: File used by pants to identify which files are for library and distribution and which ones are for testing.
  • The code for the package.
  • Unit tests for the package. The sample_data folder can be created by running make pull. The contents of this folder are not too important and can contain any image as long as they are labeled as sample_imageN.png, where N is a number.

Configuring Pants

The pants.toml file can be used to alter its behavior.

Interacting with Pants

We have created a Makefile to ease the use of pants:

  • make install: Install all the packages in this repo.
  • make format: Format underlying code using black, isort, flake8 and mypy.


We have also provided the functionality to create a single documentation that provides seperate pages for all its repositories.


Educational example monorepo demonstrating services managed with pants.







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