Simple test-driven implementation of the FizzBuzz game.
FizzBuzz can be played with as many people as you like. The game starts with the initial count being 1. The players then take turns, with each turn add one to the count and announce the new count. However, if the current count is divisible by 3, the player has to announce "Fizz" instead of the actual count. Likewise, if the current count is divisible by 5, the player has to accounce "Buzz". If the count is divisible by both, 3 and 5, the player has to announce "FizzBuzz". Failing to do so, results in the player being punished. The form of punishment varies: When played in a child-friendly fashion, the player might be eliminated from the game. If playing the adult version (e.g. playing it as a drinking game), the player has to down a drink.
Inspired by the talks held by Kevlin Henney (@KevlinHenney).