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pawamoy committed Mar 24, 2024
1 parent 4091f57 commit b3a10ee
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Showing 27 changed files with 261 additions and 167 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion assets/_mkdocstrings.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,4 +130,9 @@ code.doc-symbol-module {

code.doc-symbol-module::after {
content: "mod";

.doc-signature .autorefs {
color: inherit;
border-bottom: 1px dotted currentcolor;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion changelog/index.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions contributing/index.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
make<span class=w> </span>setup
</code></pre></div> <div class="admonition note"> <p class=admonition-title>Note</p> <p> If it fails for some reason, you'll need to install <a href=>uv</a> manually.</p> <p>You can install it with:</p> <div class="language-bash highlight"><pre><span></span><code>python3<span class=w> </span>-m<span class=w> </span>pip<span class=w> </span>install<span class=w> </span>--user<span class=w> </span>pipx
pipx<span class=w> </span>install<span class=w> </span>uv
</code></pre></div> <p>Now you can try running <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span> <span class=n>setup</span></code> again, or simply <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>uv</span> <span class=n>install</span></code>.</p> </div> <p>You now have the dependencies installed.</p> <p>Run <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span> <span class=n>help</span></code> to see all the available actions!</p> <h2 id=tasks>Tasks<a class=headerlink href=#tasks title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>This project uses <a href=>duty</a> to run tasks. A Makefile is also provided. The Makefile will try to run certain tasks on multiple Python versions. If for some reason you don't want to run the task on multiple Python versions, you run the task directly with <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span> <span class=n>run</span> <span class=n>duty</span> <span class=n>TASK</span></code>.</p> <p>The Makefile detects if a virtual environment is activated, so <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span></code> will work the same with the virtualenv activated or not.</p> <p>If you work in VSCode, we provide <a href=>an action to configure VSCode</a> for the project.</p> <h2 id=development>Development<a class=headerlink href=#development title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>As usual:</p> <ol> <li>create a new branch: <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>git</span> <span class=n>switch</span> <span class=o>-</span><span class=n>c</span> <span class=n>feature</span><span class=o>-</span><span class=ow>or</span><span class=o>-</span><span class=n>bugfix</span><span class=o>-</span><span class=n>name</span></code></li> <li>edit the code and/or the documentation</li> </ol> <p><strong>Before committing:</strong></p> <ol> <li>run <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span> <span class=nb>format</span></code> to auto-format the code</li> <li>run <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span> <span class=n>check</span></code> to check everything (fix any warning)</li> <li>run <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span> <span class=n>test</span></code> to run the tests (fix any issue)</li> <li>if you updated the documentation or the project dependencies:<ol> <li>run <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>make</span> <span class=n>docs</span></code></li> <li>go to <a href=http://localhost:8000>http://localhost:8000</a> and check that everything looks good</li> </ol> </li> <li>follow our <a href=#commit-message-convention>commit message convention</a></li> </ol> <p>If you are unsure about how to fix or ignore a warning, just let the continuous integration fail, and we will help you during review.</p> <p>Don't bother updating the changelog, we will take care of this.</p> <h2 id=commit-message-convention>Commit message convention<a class=headerlink href=#commit-message-convention title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>Commit messages must follow our convention based on the <a href=>Angular style</a> or the <a href=>Karma convention</a>:</p> <div class="language-text highlight"><pre><span></span><code>&lt;type&gt;[(scope)]: Subject
</code></pre></div> <p>Now you can try running <code>make setup</code> again, or simply <code>uv install</code>.</p> </div> <p>You now have the dependencies installed.</p> <p>Run <code>make help</code> to see all the available actions!</p> <h2 id=tasks>Tasks<a class=headerlink href=#tasks title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>This project uses <a href=>duty</a> to run tasks. A Makefile is also provided. The Makefile will try to run certain tasks on multiple Python versions. If for some reason you don't want to run the task on multiple Python versions, you run the task directly with <code>make run duty TASK</code>.</p> <p>The Makefile detects if a virtual environment is activated, so <code>make</code> will work the same with the virtualenv activated or not.</p> <p>If you work in VSCode, we provide <a href=>an action to configure VSCode</a> for the project.</p> <h2 id=development>Development<a class=headerlink href=#development title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>As usual:</p> <ol> <li>create a new branch: <code>git switch -c feature-or-bugfix-name</code></li> <li>edit the code and/or the documentation</li> </ol> <p><strong>Before committing:</strong></p> <ol> <li>run <code>make format</code> to auto-format the code</li> <li>run <code>make check</code> to check everything (fix any warning)</li> <li>run <code>make test</code> to run the tests (fix any issue)</li> <li>if you updated the documentation or the project dependencies:<ol> <li>run <code>make docs</code></li> <li>go to <a href=http://localhost:8000>http://localhost:8000</a> and check that everything looks good</li> </ol> </li> <li>follow our <a href=#commit-message-convention>commit message convention</a></li> </ol> <p>If you are unsure about how to fix or ignore a warning, just let the continuous integration fail, and we will help you during review.</p> <p>Don't bother updating the changelog, we will take care of this.</p> <h2 id=commit-message-convention>Commit message convention<a class=headerlink href=#commit-message-convention title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>Commit messages must follow our convention based on the <a href=>Angular style</a> or the <a href=>Karma convention</a>:</p> <div class="language-text highlight"><pre><span></span><code>&lt;type&gt;[(scope)]: Subject

</code></pre></div> <p><strong>Subject and body must be valid Markdown.</strong> Subject must have proper casing (uppercase for first letter if it makes sense), but no dot at the end, and no punctuation in general.</p> <p>Scope and body are optional. Type can be:</p> <ul> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>build</span></code>: About packaging, building wheels, etc.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>chore</span></code>: About packaging or repo/files management.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>ci</span></code>: About Continuous Integration.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>deps</span></code>: Dependencies update.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>docs</span></code>: About documentation.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>feat</span></code>: New feature.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>fix</span></code>: Bug fix.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>perf</span></code>: About performance.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>refactor</span></code>: Changes that are not features or bug fixes.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>style</span></code>: A change in code style/format.</li> <li><code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=n>tests</span></code>: About tests.</li> </ul> <p>If you write a body, please add trailers at the end (for example issues and PR references, or co-authors), without relying on GitHub's flavored Markdown:</p> <div class="language-text highlight"><pre><span></span><code>Body.
</code></pre></div> <p><strong>Subject and body must be valid Markdown.</strong> Subject must have proper casing (uppercase for first letter if it makes sense), but no dot at the end, and no punctuation in general.</p> <p>Scope and body are optional. Type can be:</p> <ul> <li><code>build</code>: About packaging, building wheels, etc.</li> <li><code>chore</code>: About packaging or repo/files management.</li> <li><code>ci</code>: About Continuous Integration.</li> <li><code>deps</code>: Dependencies update.</li> <li><code>docs</code>: About documentation.</li> <li><code>feat</code>: New feature.</li> <li><code>fix</code>: Bug fix.</li> <li><code>perf</code>: About performance.</li> <li><code>refactor</code>: Changes that are not features or bug fixes.</li> <li><code>style</code>: A change in code style/format.</li> <li><code>tests</code>: About tests.</li> </ul> <p>If you write a body, please add trailers at the end (for example issues and PR references, or co-authors), without relying on GitHub's flavored Markdown:</p> <div class="language-text highlight"><pre><span></span><code>Body.

Issue #10:
Related to PR namespace/other-project#15:
</code></pre></div> <p>These "trailers" must appear at the end of the body, without any blank lines between them. The trailer title can contain any character except colons <code class="language-py3 highlight"><span class=p>:</span></code>. We expect a full URI for each trailer, not just GitHub autolinks (for example, full GitHub URLs for commits and issues, not the hash or the #issue-number).</p> <p>We do not enforce a line length on commit messages summary and body, but please avoid very long summaries, and very long lines in the body, unless they are part of code blocks that must not be wrapped.</p> <h2 id=pull-requests-guidelines>Pull requests guidelines<a class=headerlink href=#pull-requests-guidelines title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>Link to any related issue in the Pull Request message.</p> <p>During the review, we recommend using fixups:</p> <div class="language-bash highlight"><pre><span></span><code><span class=c1># SHA is the SHA of the commit you want to fix</span>
</code></pre></div> <p>These "trailers" must appear at the end of the body, without any blank lines between them. The trailer title can contain any character except colons <code>:</code>. We expect a full URI for each trailer, not just GitHub autolinks (for example, full GitHub URLs for commits and issues, not the hash or the #issue-number).</p> <p>We do not enforce a line length on commit messages summary and body, but please avoid very long summaries, and very long lines in the body, unless they are part of code blocks that must not be wrapped.</p> <h2 id=pull-requests-guidelines>Pull requests guidelines<a class=headerlink href=#pull-requests-guidelines title="Permanent link">¤</a></h2> <p>Link to any related issue in the Pull Request message.</p> <p>During the review, we recommend using fixups:</p> <div class="language-bash highlight"><pre><span></span><code><span class=c1># SHA is the SHA of the commit you want to fix</span>
git<span class=w> </span>commit<span class=w> </span>--fixup<span class=o>=</span>SHA
</code></pre></div> <p>Once all the changes are approved, you can squash your commits:</p> <div class="language-bash highlight"><pre><span></span><code>git<span class=w> </span>rebase<span class=w> </span>-i<span class=w> </span>--autosquash<span class=w> </span>main
</code></pre></div> <p>And force-push:</p> <div class="language-bash highlight"><pre><span></span><code>git<span class=w> </span>push<span class=w> </span>-f
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion credits/index.html

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions css/mkdocstrings.css
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ a.autorefs-external::after {

height: 1em;
width: 1em;
background-color: var(--md-typeset-a-color);
background-color: currentColor;

a.autorefs-external:hover::after {
background-color: var(--md-accent-fg-color);

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