Data and code for When (ish) is My Bus? User-centered Visualizations of Uncertainty in Everyday, Mobile Predictive Systems
Matthew Kay (
Tara Kola (
Jessica Hullman (
Sean Munson (
This repository contains supplemetary material for:
Matthew Kay, Tara Kola, Jessica Hullman, Sean Munson. When (ish) is My Bus? User-centered Visualizations of Uncertainty in Everyday, Mobile Predictive Systems. CHI 2016. DOI: 10.1145/2858036.2858558.
- survey.pdf: Survey to understand requirements for showing uncertainty in the public transit domain.
- A description of the analyses from our paper using R code and associated output.
- A description of how to generate quantile dotplots.
- An example of the type of model used to generate probabilistic predictions of bus arrival times for the survey
- experiment.pdf: Experiment to evaluate the visualizations in this study.
- data/: Data used in the analyses
- R/: Additional R files for the analysis (referred to in context in the documents above).
- fits/: Model fit objects generated by Stan regression models.