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Migrate Your Existing OnPremise Workloads to Amazon EC2

Using VM Import migrate your existing VM-based applications and preserve the software and settings that you have configured in your existing VM.

Fig : Migrate Your Existing Applications and Workloads to Amazon EC2

Follow this article in Youtube

  1. Prerequisites

    • OnPremise VM (Preferably in VMWare / Virtualbox)
      • If you have *.vmdk image of your VM that will also be enough
      • MUST: You should have the uid/password to log into this VM
    • AWS CLI with access to Administrator privileges
      • You can tighten it down based on your requirements
  2. Export VM & Upload to S3

    Depending on virtualization tool, use the appropriate procedure to export your VM into *.vmdk or *.ova image. Upload the image to S3 Bucket and note down the bucket_name and vm_image_name.

  3. Global Customization Variables

    # Add the appropriate S3 Prefix to the VM Image
  4. Create Trust Policy

    Create the IAM trust policy json with the name trust-policy.json

    cat > "trust-policy.json" << "EOF"
       "Version": "2012-10-17",
       "Statement": [
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Principal": { "Service": "" },
             "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
             "Condition": {
                   "sts:Externalid": "vmimport"
  5. Create the IAM Role for VM Import

    Ensure that you create the role with the name vmimport. Use the trust policy created in the previous step

    aws iam create-role --role-name vmimport --assume-role-policy-document "file://trust-policy.json"
  6. Create the IAM Policy: role-policy.json

    This policy will be attached to the role vmimport created in the previous step. The bucket name is picked up from the global variable.

    echo '{
    ' | sudo tee role-policy.json
  7. Attach policy to IAM Role:vmimport

    aws iam put-role-policy --role-name vmimport \
                            --policy-name vmimport \
                            --policy-document "file://role-policy.json"
  8. Begin VM Image Import Task

    The following command will begin the import of the VM Image. The S3 Bucket name & Bucket Key is picked up from the global variables.

    # Set the metadata, 
    echo '[
        "Description": "centosv7",
        "Format": "vmdk",
        "UserBucket": {
            "S3Bucket": "'${bucket_name}'",
            "S3Key": "'${vm_image_name}'"
    ' > containers.json

    Begin VM Import

    aws ec2 import-image --description "centosv7" --disk-containers "file://containers.json"

    The expected output,

        "Description": "centosv7",
        "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0d6db3a35d431e4e3",
        "Progress": "2",
        "SnapshotDetails": [
                "DiskImageSize": 0.0,
                "Format": "VMDK",
                "UserBucket": {
                    "S3Bucket": "n-backup",
                    "S3Key": "VM-Import/vCentOS7-disk002.vmdk"
        "Status": "active",
        "StatusMessage": "pending"

    Note down the ImportTaskId to check the progress of the import job.

    Check status of VM Import Jobs

    aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --import-task-ids "import-ami-0d6db3a35d431e4e3"

    Check VM Import Progress

    # VM Image being updated to AMI
    [root:tmp]# aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --import-task-ids "import-ami-0d6db3a35d431e4e3"
        "ImportImageTasks": [
                "Description": "centosv7",
                "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0d6db3a35d431e4e3",
                "Progress": "30",
                "SnapshotDetails": [
                        "Description": "centosv7",
                        "DiskImageSize": 931182592.0,
                        "Format": "VMDK",
                        "Status": "completed",
                        "UserBucket": {
                            "S3Bucket": "n-backup",
                            "S3Key": "VM-Import/vCentOS7-disk002.vmdk"
                "Status": "active",
                "StatusMessage": "updating"

    Completion Status

    [root:tmp]# aws ec2 describe-import-image-tasks --import-task-ids "import-ami-0d6db3a35d431e4e3"
        "ImportImageTasks": [
                "Architecture": "x86_64",
                "Description": "centosv7",
                "ImageId": "ami-0da97e2296167b5ca",
                "ImportTaskId": "import-ami-0d6db3a35d431e4e3",
                "LicenseType": "BYOL",
                "Platform": "Linux",
                "SnapshotDetails": [
                        "Description": "centosv7",
                        "DeviceName": "/dev/sda1",
                        "DiskImageSize": 931182592.0,
                        "Format": "VMDK",
                        "SnapshotId": "snap-0dc6d32a5924b22c7",
                        "Status": "completed",
                        "UserBucket": {
                            "S3Bucket": "n-backup",
                            "S3Key": "VM-Import/vCentOS7-disk002.vmdk"
                "Status": "completed"
  9. Launch New EC2

    Once you launch the VM, you can login using the same uid/password you used onpremise. Typically in real-world you will clean this before the import task and setup SSH key-based authentication


Please open a GitHub issue.


Please open a GitHub issue. I encourage you to contribute your changes and send me pull request.

  1. AWS CLI - import-image

  2. AWS Blogs - Importing a VM