This docker container offers android SDK emulators(API 21 - API 26). You can create different emulator configuration files with little effort by using (see below)
Your host machine should support KVM (run kvm-ok to check), or the emulator will be too slow
If you want to test your app on different emulators' configuration than the ones provided inside avd_conf folder, I created the following tool:
It will produce a zip file with the required configuration. Extract its contents to avd_conf. After that, avd_conf should contain one or more folders named after the avd names you picked, while using the tool.
The build script will take care of creating those emulators for you.
docker build . -t android_emulators
I usually run it on Debian Stretch, which uses nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver. So I pass nvidia_driver_version to the build command, in order for the container to be able to make use of the host's gpu.
If you'd rather use the open source drivers, or if you 're planning to not use the gpu at all, you can omit this argument.
xhost +local:`docker inspect --format='{{ .Config.Hostname }}' android_emulators`
docker run --privileged --rm \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ \
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
-t android_emulators \
'cd $ANDROID_HOME/tools && ./emulator @API_21_emulator -gpu off -verbose'
Change @API_21_emulator with the one of the folder_names inside avd_conf
Have fun and let me know if something went wrong!