This project aims to create a RESTful API for accepting Online Payments from a client storefront and processing them via the Stripe Payment Gateway. The API supports two Stripe payment options: Stripe Hosted Checkout Page and Stripe Payment Intent API. Detailed Architecture Sequence Diagrams for both payment options are explained in the accompanying blog post.
Business scope:
The business requirement is defined as "Users must be able to pay for selected products or services and receive an invoice".
- Java 21
- Spring Boot Web MVC 3.3.0
- JDK 21+
./gradlew clean assemble
./gradlew clean test
docker build -t backend-server .
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name demo-spring-stripe-server backend-server
For the moment all server logs are written to the console and file using ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender
and ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender
respectively configured in logback.xml
file. All logs contain traceId
which is implicitly populated from org.slf4j.MDC
context and shown in the logs according to CONSOLE_LOG_PATTERN
defined in
Log record example with traceId printed right after log level INFO
2024-07-02 12:55:16.986 INFO [2695f8537e1fe05a841f0df18898e730] 1612 - [ parallel-1] i.s.a.b.i.s.c.PaymentApi.hostedCheckout(37) : Start checkout
Distributed traceId
is attached to every incoming request and automatically propagated to downstream threads and
Downstream treads/coroutines can access it through implicitly propagated context implemented by micrometer-tracing
All API responses contain X-Trace-Id
header to be able to match every http request with corresponding logs on the server side.
Example of http response header X-Trace-Id: 7e0674227780f3226ae9a8b7d350a5ee
All maintenance endpoints are accessed by following url http://localhost:8080/api/internal/actuator
. The list of all
app measured metrics are here http://localhost:8080/api/internal/actuator/metrics
. For example, the number of API
calls since server start is exposed in Prometheus format
by a link http://localhost:8080/api/internal/actuator/metrics/
and implemented
using io.micrometer.core.instrument.Counter
from Micrometer library.
Health checks are provided through Spring Boot Actuator by a link http://localhost:8080/api/internal/actuator/health
All thrown exceptions are handled globally by using Spring
@ControllerAdvice at class pro.misoft.poc.springreactive.kotlin.infra.spring.errorhandling.RestExceptionHandler
. This exception handler convert exception to http response with proper http code and error body. Error body has the localized error message to be shown to the end user and unique internal code to be used by customer support team. Error body json:
“httpStatus”: 400,
“errorMessage":"Input fields contain errors",
"message":"size must be between 2 and 36"
Error body data class:
data class ApiError(
val httpStatus: Int,
* Internal code to classify error
* pattern="${serviceNamePrefix}-${httpErrorCategory}${sequenceNumberUniqueForServiceNameAndHttpErrorCode}".
* examples=["portfolio-4001", "portfolio-4002","order-5001", "user-4001", "user-4002", "user-5001"]
val internalCode: String,
* Human-readable localized message to display on client side
val errorMessage: String,
* Unique identifier of user request.
* In case of distributed architecture this identifier is passed to all downstream requests to other services.
val traceId: String,
* Collect information about sub errors,
* for example specific fields of forms providing human-readable error messages for each field to guide user trough out a flow
val subErrors: List<ApiSubError> = listOf()
library is integrated to automatically generate OpenAPI documentation. Endpoint to see OpenAPI spec http://localhost:8080/api/internal/openapi. Swagger-UI is already embedded to web server and can be accessed by url http://localhost:8080/api/internal/swagger-ui. The openapi contract schema can be customized by applying swagger annotations like
, see example pro.misoft.poc.springreactive.kotlin.infra.spring.controller.contract.MonetaryAmountSchema
curl -v http://localhost:8080/api/v1/payments \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"items": [{"name": "Product1", "price": 100}],
"customerName": "John Doe",
"customerEmail": "",
"subscriptionId": "sub123",
"invoiceNeeded": true