Features and Improvements:
- NEW: Support for detection of songs listened on loop; if user plays the same song consecutively SONG_ON_LOOP_VALUE times (3 by default, configurable in the .py file) then there will be proper message on the console + you can get email notification (new -x / --song_on_loop_notification parameter); the alarm is triggered only once, when the SONG_ON_LOOP_VALUE is reached and once the user changes the song the timer is zeroed
- NEW: Feature to detect skipped songs; if the user plays the song for <= SKIPPED_SONG_THRESHOLD (0.6 by default = 60%, configurable in the .py file) of track duration, then the song is treated as skipped with proper message on the console & email notifications
- NEW: Information about number of listened songs in the session (console + notification emails)
- IMPROVE: Adding info about Artist and Album context of listened songs to notification emails
- IMPROVE: Adding info about Artist and Album context URLs in the console & email notifications
- IMPROVE: Information about readjusting session start due to too low inactivity timer is also in the notification email now