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LFS Foundation Theme

This is a responsive theme for Django LFS using the
Foundation framework version 6.

Important note: Foundation's dependencies include jQuery v3.x. That may break stuff.

Package Installation

With buildout

Edit your buildout.cfg file and add lfs-theme-foundation to the eggs section:

eggs =

Also, you can clone the github repository and run it form a local directory instead:

develop =
eggs =

Finally run buildout to download and install:


With pip

pip install lfs-theme-foundation

You might also want to add it to your requirements.txt file.

As developer (Git Version)

These instructions are for you if somehow you want to work directly with the git version (maybe to send patches??).

Clone the repo and install it locally.

git clone
pip install -e lfs-theme-foundation

Django installation

Modify your Django's

Add lfs_theme_foundation to the top of the INSTALLED_APPS list so that lfs_theme lies below lfs_theme_foundation:


Restart Django.

Working with static assets

Normally, you shouldn't need to compile the SCCS files.

To compile assets you need NodeJS , Gulp and Bower.

Once you installed these open the folder in your command line, and install the needed dependencies:

Finally, run npm start to run the Sass compiler. It will re-run every time you save a Sass file.

You can also use the foundation-cli if you want:

cd lfs-theme-foundation
npm install
bower install
npm install foundation-cli --global
foundation build
foundation watch