ACFD is a Wordpress plugin that uses Advanced Custom Field core in order to register custom fields via PHP in a easier way.
ACF saves all custom field data into database, that is the slowest and heaviest way to use ACF
ACF suggests you to register your fields via PHP (read this article), but the exported PHP code is very long and difficult to read
ACFD allow you to save some rows of code
You can add ACFD code in yout theme's function.php
First of all you must check if ACFD is active
if ( class_exists( 'ACFD' ) && ACFD::isActive() ) {
Than you can create your first custom group
$group = new CustomGroup('mygroup', 'options_page == acf-options');
The second argument of CustomGroup is the location Using location like 'options_page == acf-options' creates options pages automatically
Now you can create your custom fields
$field = $group->addField('myfield1', 'Field #1', 'text');
If you want to change custom field's attributes use the 'set' function
$field->set('placeholder', 'Insert your informations');
You can also use the short form
$group->addField('myfield1', 'Field #1', 'text')
->set('placeholder', 'Insert your informations');
In order to use the repeater-type custom field you can use the 'addContainer' function
$repeater = $group->addContainer('myrepeater', 'List', 'repeater');
$repeater->addField('item1', 'Item', 'text');
Your final code:
if ( class_exists( 'ACFD' ) && ACFD::is_active() ) {
$group = new CustomGroup('mygroup', 'options_page == acf-options');
$group->addField('myfield1', 'Field #1', 'text')
->set('placeholder', 'Insert your informations');
$repeater = $group->addContainer('myrepeater', 'List', 'repeater');
$repeater->addField('item1', 'Item', 'text');
$group = ACFD::group('My Group Title', 'post_type == post')
->set('hide_on_screen', array(
Text field
$group->addField( 'title', 'Title', 'text' )
->set( 'required', 1 )
->set( 'placeholder', 'Insert your title here' )
->set( 'maxlength', 35 );
Textarea field
$group->addField( 'content_text_raw', 'Simple content', 'textarea' )
->set( 'placeholder', 'Insert your text here' )
->set( 'maxlength', 3000 )
->set( 'rows', 8 )
->set( 'new_lines', 'wpautop' );
Number field
$group->addField( 'points', 'Points', 'number' )
->set( 'default_value', 1 )
->set( 'append', 'points of 10' )
->set( 'min', 1 )
->set( 'max', 10 );
E-mail field
$group->addField( 'email', 'E-mail', 'email' )
->set( 'placeholder', '' );
URL field
$group->addField( 'website_url', 'Website', 'url' )
->set( 'placeholder', '' );
Password field
$group->addField( 'password', 'Your password', 'password' )
->set( 'required', 1 );
Wysiwyg field
$group->addField( 'content', 'Content', 'wysiwyg' )
->set( 'tabs', 'all' )
->set( 'toolbar', 'full' )
->set( 'media_upload', 1 );
Image field
$group->addField( 'image', 'Image', 'image' )
->set( 'min_width', 120 )
->set( 'min_height', 120 )
->set( 'max_width', 160 )
->set( 'max_height', 160 )
->set( 'max_size', 2 )
->set( 'mime_types', 'jpg,png' );
File field
$group->addField( 'pdf', 'PDF', 'file' )
->set( 'max_size', 2 )
->set( 'mime_types', 'pdf' );
Gallery field
$group->addField( 'gallery', 'Gallery', 'gallery' )
->set( 'min', 3 )
->set( 'max', 5 )
->set( 'min_width', 300 )
->set( 'min_height', 240 )
->set( 'max_width', 420 )
->set( 'max_height', 380 )
->set( 'max_size', 2 )
->set( 'mime_types', 'jpg,png' );
Select field
$group->addField( 'available_colors', 'Available colors', 'select' )
->set( 'choices', array(
'#ffffff' => 'White',
'#000000' => 'Black',
'#ff0000' => 'Red',
'#00ff00' => 'Green',
'#0000ff' => 'Blue',
) )
->set( 'default_value', array (
) )
->set( 'allow_null', 0 )
->set( 'multiple', 0 );
Checkbox field
$group->addField( 'authorization', 'Authorization', 'checkbox' )
->set( 'choices', array(
'subscriber' => 'Subscriber',
'contributor' => 'Contributor',
'author' => 'Author',
'editor' => 'Editor',
'administrator' => 'Administrator',
) )
->set( 'default_value', array (
) )
->set( 'toggle', 1 ); // Add 'select all'
Radio field
$group->addField( 'type', 'Type', 'radio' )
->set( 'choices', array(
'type1' => 'Type #1',
'type2' => 'Type #2',
'type3' => 'Type #3',
) )
->set( 'other_choice', 1 ); // Allow user to add other choices
Single checkbox field (boolean)
$group->addField( 'active', 'Active', 'true_false' )
->set( 'default_value', 0 );
Post object field
$group->addField( 'related_articles', 'Related articles', 'post_object' )
->set( 'post_type', array( 'post' ) )
->set( 'taxonomy', array() )
->set( 'allow_null', 1 )
->set( 'multiple', 1 )
->set( 'return_format', 'object' );
Post link field
$group->addField( 'related_links', 'Related links', 'page_link' )
->set( 'post_type', array ( 'post' ) )
->set( 'taxonomy', array ( 'category:html' ) )
->set( 'allow_null', 1 )
->set( 'multiple', 1 );
Taxonomy field
$group->addField( 'category', 'Category', 'taxonomy' )
->set( 'taxonomy', 'category' )
->set( 'return_format', 'object' )
->set( 'multiple', 0 );
User field
$group->addField( 'user', 'User', 'user' )
->set( 'role', array ( 'subscriber' ) )
->set( 'allow_null', 0 )
->set( 'multiple', 1 );
Map field
$group->addField( 'location', 'Map', 'google_map' )
->set( 'center_lat', '-37.81411' )
->set( 'center_lng', '144.96328' )
->set( 'zoom', 14 )
->set( 'height', 400 );
Date field
$group->addField( 'birthday', 'Birthday', 'date_picker' )
->set( 'display_format', 'd/m/Y' )
->set( 'return_format', 'd/m/Y' )
->set( 'first_day', 1 ); // Monday
Color field
$group->addField( 'color', 'Color', 'color_picker' )
->set( 'default_value', '#FFFFFF' )
Message field
$group->addField( 'warning','Warning', 'message' )
->set( 'message', 'Here your warning' )
->set( 'new_lines', '' )
->set( 'esc_html', 0 );
Tab field
$group->addField( 'tab', 'My Sub Group Name', 'tab' )
->set( 'placement', 'left' )
->set( 'endpoint', 1 );
Repeater container
$repeater = $group->addContainer( 'list', 'List', 'repeater' )
->set( 'collapsed', $field->get( 'key' ) )
->set( 'min', '1' )
->set( 'max', '3' )
->set( 'layout', 'block' )
->set( 'button_label', 'Add element' )
$repeater->addField( ... );
Flexible-content container
$group->addContainer( 'flexible_content', 'Flexible Content', 'flexible_content', 'layouts' )
->set( 'button_label', 'Add content' )
->addContainer( 'block_name', 'Block Label', '', 'sub_fields' )
->addField( ... );
Conditional logic
$field->set( 'conditional_logic', array (
array (
array (
'field' => $other_field->get( 'key' ),
'operator' => '==',
'value' => 'value1',
array (
array (
'field' => $other_field->get( 'key' ),
'operator' => '==',
'value' => 'value2',
) );