The goal of this project is to use accessibility service in testing UI elements by automating interaction with an existing application running on an Android device.
- Firstly, download and install the latest Android Studio from here
- Clone or download the project and then open the project directly from Android Studio.
- At this point, we can either choose to;
- Build with project using an Android Emulator
- Build through a physical device.
- Generate a .APK file within Android studio which can be installed on a Physical Android device, Android Emulator or on a server.
After successful installation, Accessibilbity Service can be used by;
- Launching the service. After this, a list of all installed application installed on the device or emulator is being displayed.
- Select from the list of all installed apps the application that needs to be tested. (com.haringeymobile.ukweather , com.dougkeen.bart , ch.bailu.aat apps can be tested). If you want to test another app, please add packagename to android:packageNames in the app.src.main.res.xml.servicefonfig.xml file.
- After this, Accessibility Service automatically starts testing