html5 video player base on crosswalk project webview on android
- inject js script to html5 video for play control
- add default remote keyevent control
import two xwalk modules to project xwalk_core_library xwalkvideoplayer
edit settings.gradle add
include ':xwalkvideoplayer'
include ':xwalk_core_library'
and sync project, will show imported modules
- implement activity extends from XwalkWebViewActivity, need to implement three on functions as below. then you can play http url video using play.
other functions can refer
public class MainActivity extends XwalkWebViewActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
public void onPlayingEventChanged(String event) {
public void onProgressUpdated(double position) {
public void onPlayingProperties(String propertiesJson) {