Repository of CS 275 Final Project in Developing Webapp
A walkthrough of what I did:
Have visual studio code (not Visual Studio which is heavier)
Install packages Ionic 4 Snippet on VS Code
Type npm init in the fog-off directory
Make sure npm install ionic as well (it should install all dependencies for Ionic)
The main development should focus in src/app
I picked the tabbed template to with 3 tabs to begin with
- Profile
- Map
- Achievement (But this could change later)
- To emulate app on virtual mobile: You need to install dependencies for either iOS (Mac only) or Android Studio SDK
- iOS: xcode-select install
- Android: Install Android Studio, SDK 28, Gradle and Android Virtual Devices (AVD)
To start the app on localhost:8100
- On terminal, go inside fog-off directory and type ionic serve (Edit: if you want to use Google Map, use ionic cordova run browser or ionic cordova emulate ios/android depends on your chosen platform)
- Browser: Should things go fine, after a couple seconds, your default browser will automatically open a new tab with the app running
- Mobile: AVD on Android or Emulator on iOS will appear with the app opened.
Timeline (Gantt Chart):