This repository exists for an example for a 3-tier architecture training.
- Ubuntu 22.04.04 LTS (jammy)
- Docker 27.0.3 build 7d4bcd8
- Docker Compose v2.28.1
- Containerd 1.7.18
cd {your work directory}
git clone
docker build -t u22-systemd .
docker compose up -d
# If you connect to a container
docker exec -it {container name or id} bash
Need to typing your domain, port and db info.
FROM ubuntu:22.04
# arg
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# env
ENV TZ=Asia/Seoul \
SERVER_DOMAIN=[your_domain] \
WEB_ADDR1=apache1 \
WEB_ADDR2=apache2 \
WEB_N_LB_PORT=[your_port|recommand_80] \
INLB_ADDR=nginx2 \
WAS_ADDR1=tomcat1 \
WAS_ADDR2=tomcat2 \
DB_ADDR=mysql1 \
DB_USERNAME=[db_username] \
# install systemctl and etc package
RUN apt update \
&& apt install -qq -y init systemd \
&& apt install -qq -y build-essential \
&& apt install -qq -y tzdata locales gettext\
&& apt install -qq -y openssh-server \
&& apt install -qq -y vim curl net-tools\
&& apt-get clean autoclean \
&& apt-get autoremove -y \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/{apt, dpkg, cache, log}
# ect work
RUN systemctl enable ssh
RUN echo 'your_name:your_password' | chpasswd
RUN locale-gen [your_language_pack]
ENV LC_ALL=[your_language_pack]
EXPOSE 00000
# run systemctl
CMD ["/sbin/init"]
When testing in a localhost or arbitrarily configured domains, modifications to the hosts file are required.
These files are examples for training; under normal circumstances, additional security settings may be required, and I am not responsible for any problems caused by arbitrary modifications to those files.