AWS Data Firehose
What's New
This terraform module creates an AWS Data Firehose and CloudWatch Log Group Subscription Filters, along with the necessary AWS IAM roles and policies to stream logs from a CloudWatch Log Group in a source account to a destination S3 bucket.
The initial release only supports streaming of logs to S3.
What's Changed
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.3.6 to 4.4.0 by @dependabot in #1
- Bump bridgecrewio/checkov-action from 12.2860.0 to 12.2862.0 by @dependabot in #2
- Migrate configuration from MP repository by @dms1981 in #3
- Simple unit test & minor module refactor by @dms1981 in #4
- Bump bridgecrewio/checkov-action from 12.2862.0 to 12.2863.0 by @dependabot in #5
- Implement unit tests with terratest by @dms1981 in #6
- Bump bridgecrewio/checkov-action from 12.2863.0 to 12.2864.0 by @dependabot in #7
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1
- @dms1981 made their first contribution in #3
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ministryofjustice/modernisation-platform-terraform-aws-data-firehose/commits/v1.0.0