This is a Java 21 based Spring Boot application hosted on MOJ Cloud Platform.
To run the app locally, you will need to download the appropriate environment variables from the team vault in 1Password. These environment variables are stored as a .env file, which docker-compose uses when starting up the service. If you don't see the team vault, speak to your tech lead to get access.
To begin with, make sure that you have the 1Password CLI installed:
op --version
If the command is not found, follow the steps on the 1Password developer docs to get the CLI set-up.
Once you're ready to run the application:
Clone Repository
git clone
cd crime-application-tracking
Make sure all tests are passed by running following ‘gradle’ Command
./gradlew clean test
You will need to build the artifacts for the source code, using gradle
./gradlew clean build
laa-crime-application-tracking-service application will be running on http://localhost:8490
There are a number of out of the box endpoints provided by Spring Boot for verifying application health and various metrics, some of which are enabled and accessible.
These endpoints include:
- http://localhost:8500/actuator
- http://localhost:8500/actuator/prometheus
- http://localhost:8500/actuator/health
- http://localhost:8500/actuator/info
- http://localhost:8500/actuator/metrics
- http://localhost:8088/api-docs (generated by
with URL path defined inapplication.yaml
byspringdoc.api-docs.path: /api-docs
For a complete list of all out of the box actuator endpoints see Spring Boot 3.2.3 - Actuator.
- http://localhost:8490/swagger-ui/index.html
- http://localhost:8490/api-docs (generated by
with URL path defined inapplication.yaml
byspringdoc.api-docs.path: /api-docs