MS App is a web application built with Flutter that provides a range of features, including AI chatting, QR code generation, theme changing, and temperature fetching. The app uses Gemini API for AI chat and Open Weather API for fetching current temperature.
- Computer/PC Screen
- Mobile Phone Screen
- AI Chatting: Engage in conversations with the AI chatbot using Gemini API.
- QR Code Generation: Generate QR codes with custom colors and images.
- Theme Changing: Switch between light and dark themes.
- Temperature Fetching: Fetch current temperature using Open Weather API.
- Responsive Design: The app is fully responsive and adapts to different screen sizes for computer/PC, tablets, and mobiles.
- Built with Flutter.
- Uses Gemini API for AI chat.
- Uses Open Weather API for fetching current temperature.
- Implements Bloc pattern for state management.
- Uses Dio for API calls.
- Uses Geolocator for location services.
- Uses Permission Handler for managing permissions.
- lib/: Contains the application code.
- main.dart: Entry point of the application.
- pages/: Contains the different pages of the app.
- ai_chat/: AI chat page.
- qr/: QR code generation page.
- temperature/: Temperature fetching page.
- repo/: Contains the repository classes for API calls.
- chat_message_api.dart: API calls for AI chat.
- weather_api.dart: API calls for fetching current temperature.
- theme/: Contains the theme-related classes.
- theme_bloc.dart: Theme Bloc for managing theme state.
- theme_provider.dart: Theme provider for theme management.
- utils/: Contains utility classes.
- constants.dart: Constants used throughout the app.
- pubspec.yaml: Configuration file for Flutter dependencies.
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Install dependencies: flutter pub get
- Run the app: flutter run
The app is currently live at
License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.