In many practical settings, a combinatorial problem must be repeatedly solved with similar, but distinct parameters. Yet, the parameters
See src/requirements.txt
for standard required packages. In addition, the code in this repository also requires PyEPO package.
After installation, type
python -m src.knapsack.train --model_type DYS --num_item 20 --num-knapsack 2
to train our DYS
model on a sample knapsack task. To duplicate, for example, our shortest path experiment, type
Learning to Optimize Integer Linear Programs with Davis-Yin Splitting (arXiv Link)
title={Differentiating through integer linear programs with quadratic regularization and davis-yin splitting}, author={McKenzie, Daniel and Heaton, Howard and Fung, Samy Wu}, journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research}, year={2024} }
See documentation site for more details.