Light Theme
This repository is music app player created using Flutter framework with Itunes music api
GET /search?term=$term&media=music
Parameter | Type | Description |
term |
string |
Term as what you want to search for |
Theme reference is from material design 3. visit generate custom color
Client: Android Studio, Flutter, Flutter_bloc, Equatable, CachedImageNetwork, Just_Audio, Shimmer
Make sure your workstation has installed the Flutter framework(Stable)
for Instalation Flutter Framework visit this setup flutter framewrk
Clone the project first
git clone
git fetch
git checkout master
git pull origin master
Enter the project directory
cd music_app_player/
Inside project directory, Clean the project first
flutter clean
After clean the project, run this command
flutter pub get
After that, to run this project, run this command
flutter run
For buildin APK, run this command
flutter build apk --release