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Replace anonymous classes created by macros with instance helpers
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This reduces the size of the generated bytecode and
the number of emitted classfiles (on Scala 2.12+).
Also simplidies the macro implementations.
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joroKr21 committed Mar 1, 2020
1 parent b4ac44b commit 40290d5
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Showing 6 changed files with 259 additions and 295 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/jvm/src/test/scala/shapeless/serialization.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ object SerializationTestDefns {
class Bar extends Quux
class Baz extends Quux

trait TC1[F[_]]
trait TC1[F[_]] extends Serializable
object TC1 extends TC10 {
implicit def tc1Id: TC1[Id] = new TC1[Id] {}
Expand Down
86 changes: 40 additions & 46 deletions core/src/main/scala/shapeless/generic.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,10 +150,21 @@ object Generic {
/** Provides an instance of Generic. Prefer this over finding one with `implicitly`, or else use `the`.
* Either of these approaches preserves the Repr type refinement, which `implicitly` will lose.
def apply[T](implicit gen: Generic[T]): Aux[T, gen.Repr] = gen

/** Creates a new Generic instance from a pair of functions.
* The functions `f` and `g` should be the inverse of each other, i.e.
* - `f(g(x)) == x`
* - `g(f(y)) == y`
def instance[T, R](f: T => R, g: R => T): Aux[T, R] = new Generic[T] {
type Repr = R
def to(t: T): R = f(t)
def from(r: R): T = g(r)

implicit def materialize[T, R]: Aux[T, R] = macro GenericMacros.materialize[T, R]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,6 +291,8 @@ trait ReprTypes {
def fieldTypeTpe = typeOf[shapeless.labelled.FieldType[_, _]].typeConstructor
def keyTagTpe = typeOf[shapeless.labelled.KeyTag[_, _]].typeConstructor
def symbolTpe = typeOf[Symbol]

def objectRef[O: TypeTag]: Tree = Ident(typeOf[O].termSymbol)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -979,83 +992,64 @@ trait CaseClassMacros extends ReprTypes with CaseClassMacrosVersionSpecifics {
class GenericMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) extends CaseClassMacros {
import c.universe._

private val generic = objectRef[Generic.type]

def materialize[T: WeakTypeTag, R: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val tpe = weakTypeOf[T]
if (isReprType(tpe))
abort("No Generic instance available for HList or Coproduct")

if (isProduct(tpe)) mkProductGeneric(tpe)
else mkCoproductGeneric(tpe)

def mkProductGeneric(tpe: Type): Tree = {
val repr = reprTypTree(tpe)
val ctorDtor = CtorDtor(tpe)
val (p, ts) = ctorDtor.binding
val to = cq""" $p => ${mkHListValue(ts)} """
val to = cq"$p => ${mkHListValue(ts)}.asInstanceOf[$repr]"
val (rp, rts) = ctorDtor.reprBinding
val from = cq""" $rp => ${ctorDtor.construct(rts)} """

val clsName = TypeName(c.freshName("anon$"))
final class $clsName extends _root_.shapeless.Generic[$tpe] {
type Repr = ${reprTypTree(tpe)}
def to(p: $tpe): Repr = (p match { case $to }).asInstanceOf[Repr]
def from(p: Repr): $tpe = p match { case $from }
new $clsName(): _root_.shapeless.Generic.Aux[$tpe, ${reprTypTree(tpe)}]
val from = cq"$rp => ${ctorDtor.construct(rts)}"
q"$generic.instance[$tpe, $repr]({ case $to }, { case $from })"

def mkCoproductGeneric(tpe: Type): Tree = {
def mkCoproductCases(tpe0: Type, index: Int): CaseDef = {
tpe0 match {
case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
val singleton = mkAttributedRef(pre, sym)
cq"p if p eq $singleton => $index"
case _ =>
cq"_: $tpe0 => $index"
def mkCoproductCases(tpe0: Type, index: Int) = tpe0 match {
case SingleType(pre, sym) =>
val singleton = mkAttributedRef(pre, sym)
cq"p if p eq $singleton => $index"
case _ =>
cq"_: $tpe0 => $index"

val to = {
val toCases = ctorsOf(tpe).zipWithIndex map (mkCoproductCases _).tupled
q"""_root_.shapeless.Coproduct.unsafeMkCoproduct((p: @_root_.scala.unchecked) match { case ..$toCases }, p).asInstanceOf[Repr]"""

val clsName = TypeName(c.freshName("anon$"))
final class $clsName extends _root_.shapeless.Generic[$tpe] {
type Repr = ${reprTypTree(tpe)}
def to(p: $tpe): Repr = $to
def from(p: Repr): $tpe = _root_.shapeless.Coproduct.unsafeGet(p).asInstanceOf[$tpe]
new $clsName(): _root_.shapeless.Generic.Aux[$tpe, ${reprTypTree(tpe)}]
val coproduct = objectRef[Coproduct.type]
val repr = reprTypTree(tpe)
val toCases = ctorsOf(tpe) _).tupled)
val to = q"$coproduct.unsafeMkCoproduct((p: @_root_.scala.unchecked) match { case ..$toCases }, p).asInstanceOf[$repr]"
q"$generic.instance[$tpe, $repr]((p: $tpe) => $to, $coproduct.unsafeGet(_).asInstanceOf[$tpe])"

def mkIsTuple[T: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val tTpe = weakTypeOf[T]
if (!isTuple(tTpe))
abort(s"Unable to materialize IsTuple for non-tuple type $tTpe")

q"""new _root_.shapeless.IsTuple[$tTpe]: _root_.shapeless.IsTuple[$tTpe]"""
q"new ${weakTypeOf[IsTuple[T]]}"

def mkHasProductGeneric[T: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val tTpe = weakTypeOf[T]
if(isReprType(tTpe) || !isProduct(tTpe))
if (isReprType(tTpe) || !isProduct(tTpe))
abort(s"Unable to materialize HasProductGeneric for $tTpe")

q"""new _root_.shapeless.HasProductGeneric[$tTpe]: _root_.shapeless.HasProductGeneric[$tTpe]"""
q"new ${weakTypeOf[HasProductGeneric[T]]}"

def mkHasCoproductGeneric[T: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val tTpe = weakTypeOf[T]
if(isReprType(tTpe) || !isCoproduct(tTpe))
if (isReprType(tTpe) || !isCoproduct(tTpe))
abort(s"Unable to materialize HasCoproductGeneric for $tTpe")

q"""new _root_.shapeless.HasCoproductGeneric[$tTpe]: _root_.shapeless.HasCoproductGeneric[$tTpe]"""
q"new ${weakTypeOf[HasCoproductGeneric[T]]}"

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