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my neovim configuration dedicated to use with vscode-neovim


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This configuration is derived from my main Neovim configuration.

The evolution of my VSCode-Neovim and main Neovim configurations spans several years.

Initially, both configurations were maintained within the same codebase. I began tweaking my Neovim configuration during the era when vim-plug was the predominant plugin manager, even when packer.nvim was a new thing. Over time, I grew weary of writing workaround code scattered throughout the configuration, conditionally wrapped with if vim.g.vscode.

Although lazy.nvim now offers built-in conditional plugin activation based on vim.g.vscode, I prefer not to rely heavily on such sugar. Given the unpredictable nature of future developments, I decided to separate the VSCode-Neovim configuration into its own branch, maintaining a cleaner main Neovim configuration. This approach, which I followed for about two years, involved periodic merges from the main branch approximately every few months.

Recently, upon analyzing both configurations, I noticed that my main Neovim configuration had long since stopped adding new text-editing features—the primary functionality shared between VSCode-Neovim and the main configuration. Instead, I focused on enhancing the UI/UX of my main Neovim setup, developing plugins like minuet-ai.nvim for LLM-based code completion and yarepl.nvim for REPL management with tools like iPython, Radian, and aider-chat.

Given that VSCode-Neovim's scope remains strictly limited to text-editing capabilities, maintaining both configurations in the same repository as separate branches became unnecessary. This realization led to my decision to create this new repository.

Getting Started

NOTE: If you plan to use this configuration with vscode-neovim and wish to use neovim both in the terminal and in vscode, I suggest creating two folders in ~/.config or your specified $XDG_CONFIG path. One is ~/.config/nvim, which uses the default configuration in the main repo, and the other is ~/.config/vscode-neovim, which uses the configuration in the vscode branch. This takes advantage of the NVIM_APPNAME feature in nvim 0.9.

Then, Set vscode-neovim.NVIM_APPNAME to vscode-neovim in vscode settings.

Below are recommended vscode-neovim settings in your settings.json file.

  "vscode-neovim.compositeKeys": {
    "jk": {
      "command": "vscode-neovim.escape"
  "extensions.experimental.affinity": {
    "asvetliakov.vscode-neovim": 1
  }, // run those plugins in a separate process for performance
  "vscode-neovim.NVIM_APPNAME": "vscode-neovim"


general purpose deps

  1. A c compiler. Required to install treesitter parsers.


NOTE: this only includes keymaps defined by myself, and some of the default plugins keymaps that I used frequently.

The <Leader> key is <Space>, the <LocalLeader> key is <Space><Space> or <Backslash>.

VSCode Neovim keymaps

These keymaps are specifically designed for VSCode integration:

LSP Keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>xr Find references
n <Leader>xd Show problems/diagnostics
n gr Go to references
n <Leader>ln Rename symbol
n <Leader>lf Format document
n <Leader>la Quick fix
n <Leader>lr Refactor
n <C-w>] Reveal definition aside
n <Leader>w] Reveal definition aside
v <Leader>lf Format selection
v <Leader>la Quick fix
v <Leader>lr Refactor

Search/Find Keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>fR Find in files (ripgrep)
n <Leader>fg Find in files (ripgrep)
n <Leader>fc Show commands
n <Leader>ff Quick open
v <Leader>fc Show commands

UI Toggle Keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>tp Toggle panel
n <Leader>ts Toggle sidebar
n <Leader>ta Toggle auxiliary bar
n <Leader>tt Toggle terminal

Window Management

In VSCode and Vim, window management operates differently. While Vim allows multiple windows within a tab, VSCode allows multiple tabs within a window.

VSCode offers two distinct sets of commands for organizing your workspace:

"Move Active Group" commands rearrange the window layout, affecting all associated tabs within that window.

"Move Editor" commands allow individual tabs to be transferred between different windows.

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader>ww Focus next group
n <Leader>wp Focus previous group
n <Leader>wq Close active editor
n <Leader>wc Close active editor
n <Leader>wo Join all groups
n <Leader>w= Even editor widths
n <Leader>wh Focus left group
n <Leader>wj Focus below group
n <Leader>wk Focus above group
n <Leader>wl Focus right group
n <Leader>wH Move active group left
n <Leader>wJ Move active group down
n <Leader>wK Move active group up
n <Leader>wL Move active group right
n <Leader>wu Move editor to above group
n <Leader>wd Move editor to below group
n <Leader>wb Move editor to left group
n <Leader>wf Move editor to right group
n <Leader>ws Split vertically
n <Leader>wv Split horizontally
n <Leader>w+ Increase height
n <Leader>w- Decrease height
n <Leader>w> Increase width
n <Leader>w< Decrease width

Tab Management

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <Leader><Tab>o Close other tabs
n <Leader><Tab>n New tab
n <Leader><Tab>c Close tab
n <Leader><Tab>f First tab
n <Leader><Tab>l Last tab
n <Leader><Tab>[ Previous tab
n <Leader><Tab>] Next tab
n <Leader><Tab>1-9 Switch to tab 1-9


Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n ]r Next reference
n [r Previous reference
n ]d Next diagnostic
n [d Previous diagnostic
n ]q Next search result
n [q Previous search result

REPL Keymaps (R/Rmd)

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
v <LocalLeader>s Run selection
n <LocalLeader>sc Run current chunk
n <LocalLeader>sgg Run all chunks above

REPL Keymaps (Python)

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n <LocalLeader>ss Run selection interactively
v <LocalLeader>s Run selection interactively
n <LocalLeader>sc Run current cell
n <LocalLeader>sgg Run all cells above

Text Edit keymaps

Align text keymaps

The following keymaps rely on vim-easy-align

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv ga Align the motion / text object / selected text by input separator

Comment keymaps

The following keymaps rely on mini.comment

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv gc Comment / uncomment the motion / text object / selected text
n gcc Comment /uncomment current line
o gc Text object: a commented text block

Text objects for functions keymaps

The following keymaps rely on dsf.vim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n dsf Delete a function call, don't delete the arguments
n dsnf Delete next function call, don't delete the arguments
n csf Change a function call, keep arguments the same
n csnf Change next function call, keep arguments the same

Quick navigation keymaps

The following keymaps rely on vim-sneak

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nvo f Find the next input character
nvo F Find the previous input character
nvo t Guess from t vs f for vanilla vim
nvo T Guess from T vs F for vanilla vim
nv s Find the next 2 input chars
o z Motion: Find the next 2 input chars
n S Find the previous 2 input chars
ov Z Motion: Find the previous 2 input chars

Text objects enhancement keymaps

The following keymaps rely on

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov an Text object: find the next following "around" text object
ov aN Text object: find the previous following "around" text object
ov in Text object: find the next following "inner" text object
ov iN Text object: find the previous following "inner" text object
nov g( Motion: go to the start of the following "around" text object
nov g) Motion: go to the end of the following "around" text object

Block text movement

The following keymaps rely on mini.move

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
v <A-h> Move left the block of text
v <A-j> Move down the block of text
v <A-k> Move up the block of text
v <A-l> Move right the block of text

Surround pairs keymaps

The following keymaps rely on mini.surround

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n yss Add a surround pair for the whole line
n ys Add a surround pair for the following motion / text object
n yS Add a surround pair from cursor to line end
v S Add a surround pair for selected text
n cs Change the surround pair
n ds Delete the surround pair

substitution keymaps

The following keymaps rely on substitute.nvim

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
nv gs Substitute the motion / text object / selected text by latest pasted text, don't cut the replaced text
n gss Similar to gs, operate on the whole line
n gS Similar to gs, operate on text from cursor to line end

Other text objects keymaps

The following keymaps rely on vim-textobj-beween

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov ab Text object: around text between the input character
ov ib Text object: inner text between the input character

The following keymaps rely on vim-textobj-chainmember

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov a. Text object: around a chain of chained method calls
ov i. Text object: inner of a chain of chained method calls

Treesitter keymaps

Syntax based text objects keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
ov af Text object: around a function definition
ov if Text object: inner of a function definition
ov ak Text object: the same as aC
ov ik Text object: the same as iC
ov al Text object: around a loop
ov il Text object: inner of a loop
ov ac Text object: around if-else conditions
ov ic Text object: inner of if-else conditions
ov ae Text object: around a function call
ov aA Text object: around a parameter(argument)
ov iA Text object: inner of a parameter(argument)

Syntaxa based navigations keymaps

Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n ]f Go to the start of next function definition
n ]k The same as ]<Leader>c
n ]l Go to the start of next loop
n ]c Go to the start of next if-else conditions
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n ]F Go to the end of next function definition
n ]K The same as ]<Leader>C
n ]L Go to the end of next loop
n ]C Go to the end of next if-else conditions
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n [f Go to the start of previous function definition
n [k The same as [<Leader>c
n [l Go to the start of previous loop
n [c Go to the start of previous if-else conditions
Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n [F Go to the end of previous function definition
n [K The same as [<Leader>C
n [L Go to the end of previous loop
n [C Go to the end of previous if-else conditions


Mode LHS RHS/Functionality
n g<CR> Jump to the start of the selected treesitter node
n g<BS> Jump to the end of the selected treesitter node
vo <CR> Select region based on treesitter node

Other Notes

  1. vim-sneak defines relatively inconsistent behavior: in normal mode, use s/S, in operator pending mode, use z/Z, in visual mode, use s/Z. In normal mode, default mapping s is replaced. In op mode, use z/Z is to be compatible with vim-surround (mappings: ys/ds/cs), in visual mode, use s/Z is to be compatible with folding (mapping: zf) and vim-surround (mapping: S)

  2. You need to define your leader key before defining any keymaps. Otherwise, keymap will not be correctly mapped with your leader key.

  3. vim-matchup will (intentionally) hide the status-line if the matched pair are spanned over entire screen to show the other side of the pair.


  1. It is recommended to use the mailing list ~northyear/
  2. Alternatively, you are also welcome to open a Github issue.


my neovim configuration dedicated to use with vscode-neovim







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