Work has stopped on this module as of 7/28/2016. All features of this module have been merged together with my SquareCamera module. If you're looking for an easy way to take pictures or scan barcodes, please visit for future updates! Thanks!
An Appcelerator Titanium module that creates a view that allows you to scan UPC's using the ZBar Barcode Reader (
I had been playing around with the Acktie Barcode reader and really wanted something that would let me place the view inside of my own page (and not use a modal window). This module allows you to create the barcode view just as you would create a standard Titanium.UI.view and listen for a 'success' callback.
This module will continue to grow and new options will be added in the near future.
Include the module in your tiapp.xml:
Currently the options you have are limited to what type of barcodes you would like to 'listen' for and the miniumum scan quality, but that makes the module pretty simple :)
The types of barcodes available are:
- EAN2
- EAN5
- EAN8
- ISBN10
- EAN13
- ISBN13
- I25
- CODE39
- PDF417
- CODE93
- CODE128
And they can be used like...
var Barcode = require('com.mfogg.barcode'); // Initialize the Barcode module
// open a single window
var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({backgroundColor:"#eee"});
var allowed_upcs = [ // See list of available barcode types above
var barcodeView = Barcode.createView({
top: 0,
height: 320,
width: 320,
barcodes: allowed_upcs, // Required
minQuality: 10, // Optional (defaults to 0),
flashEnabled: false, // Optional (defaults to false)
scanCrop: { // Optional
x: 10,
y: 10,
height: 100,
width: 100
scanCropPreview: true // Optional (defaults to false)
- Note here that the created view (ex. 'barcodeView' above) can have other views added on top of it to act as a camera overlay (exactly how you would a standard Ti.UI.view)
Turns the flash on (and fires the "flashChange" event)
Turns the flash off (and fires the "flashChange" event)
Toggles the flash on or off (and fires the "flashChange" event)
Will fire every time a barcode that fits the types above comes into the view.
barcodeView.addEventListener("success", function(event){
// == number returned from the scan
// event.type == type of scan
// event.quality == quality of scan ("[NEW SCAN] Data: ";"[NEW SCAN] Type: "+event.type);"[NEW SCAN] Quality: "+event.quality);
Will fire when the flash is toggled on or off
barcodeView.addEventListener("flashChange", function(event){
// event.flashEnabled = new value of the flashEnabled"Flash Enabled: "+event.flashEnabled);
- Android support
... anything else :)
Do whatever you want, however you want, whenever you want. And if you find a problem on your way, let me know so I can fix it for my own apps too :)- - Got a lot of inspiration from what these guys did.
- - ZBar Barcode Reader