This project was called Bring. It is an easy and efficient way to connect people who wants to rent surf boards with the people who has spare surfboard to rent and dont mind make money out of it.
We wanted to fill a gap in user experience when searching for a surfboard to rent with delivery.
Currently, we are implementing only surfboard rental, but it can be easily expanded for other rentals too. Users - Rentee and Owner
A rentee can post looking to rent an object for a short period of time. They can specify the object, date & time and place. People registered as owners can look up the posts, and respond with a quote. The rentee gets notifications with the lowest quote. They can accept the bid or cancel it. Upon the rentee’s response, all the owners who participated in that bidding get notification about the status of the request.
People visiting a place on business, tourists, people who don’t want to buy, but try out a few items, people who want to rent their stuff.
It’s a great way to provide services for people who want to have a life without actually owning or buying things. The reasons for them to rent could be because they are visiting and they can’t carry things along, wants to just try out and many more.
- React
- Bootstrap
- React-bootstrap
- React-toastify
- Axios
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Node js
- Express
- Sendgrid
- Heroku Scheduler
App is deployed on Heroku:
This project had 3 contributing members. Here are their GitHub links: