This collection features a variety of Python programs that I've created while learning from Angela Yu's Python Course to sharpen my programming skills. Each program highlights different aspects of Python!
Here is a brief desciption about each project:
1. Basic Hangman: This Python program is a console-based Hangman game and uses random module. It randomly selects a word from a predefined list, and the player must guess the word letter by letter. With each incorrect guess, the player loses a life. The game ends when the player either guesses the word or runs out of lives.
2. Caesar Cipher: This Python program implements the Caesar Cipher, a simple substitution cipher technique. Users can encrypt or decrypt messages by shifting letters in the alphabet based on a specified shift value. Includes interactive prompts for ease of use and ASCII art logo for visual appeal.
3. Calculator: This Python program implements a basic calculator with operations for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Users input numbers and select an operation, receiving immediate results. It includes error handling for division by zero and allows continuous calculations or starting new sessions.
4. Etch-a-Sketch: This Python program utilizes the Turtle module to create a graphical interface for controlling a turtle cursor. Arrow keys move the turtle in four directions, while the 'c' key clears the screen. Ideal for interactive drawing and learning basic programming concepts with Python's Turtle graphics.
5. Higher or Lower Game: This Python program implements a game where players guess which of two randomly selected social media accounts has more followers. Players earn points for correct guesses and continue until an incorrect guess ends the game.
6. Number Guessing Game: This Python program challenges players to guess a randomly generated number between 1 and 100. Players select game difficulty ('easy' or 'hard') affecting the number of allowed guesses. Interactive prompts guide players through guessing until they either correctly identify the number or exhaust their guesses.
7. Random Password Generator: This Python program generates secure passwords based on user-specified criteria: letters, symbols, and numbers. Users determine the composition of the password and can generate multiple passwords until satisfied. Each password is randomized ensuring security.
8. Tip Calculator: This Python script calculates the amount each person should pay after adding a specified tip percentage to the bill and splitting it among a chosen number of people. It ensures accurate bill splitting with rounded results.