Dotfiles I use with MacBook Pro mostly for Software Development and DevSecOps.
- System defaults and Dock icons setup
- Git config with aliases, Git global ignore
- Global aliases
- Functions, colored
for making folder and entering it,extract
to extract any compressed file,e
to read .env file variables inpwd
- Custom /etc/hosts file with blocked Ads, Trackers & 🔥 stuff on internet
Source Code Pro
font used in Sublime and Hyper- Hyper config, oh-my-zsh taybalt theme
- Packages / CLI (brew, brew cask, dockutil, htop, iftop, openssl, tig, composer, nmap, git, subversion, nvm - node version manager, python3, thefuck, wget, yarn, zsh, zsh-completions, sqlmap, aircrack-ng)
- Applications (raycast, google-chrome, slack, spotify, sublime-text, vlc, jetbrains-toolbox, sequel-pro, filezilla, postman, hyper, teamviewer, spectacle, appcleaner, skype, lens, tinkerwell, orbstack, 1password, rocket-chat, whatsapp)
- Valet for web development
binary to manage dotfiles functions with autocomplete
On fresh installation of MacOS:
sudo softwareupdate -i -a
xcode-select --install
Clone and install dotfiles:
git clone ~/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles
git checkout v3.14
cd ~/dotfiles/install
chmod +wx
chmod -R +wx ~/dotfiles/bin
- Install fonts
- Install Laravel Herd
sudo reboot
- Enjoy
$ dotfiles
→ Usage: dotfiles <command>
help This help message
update Update packages and pkg managers (OS, brew, npm, yarn, commposer)
clean Clean up caches (brew, npm, yarn, composer)
symlinks Run symlinks script
brew Run brew script
node Run node setup script
ohmyzsh Run oh my zsh script
hosts Run hosts script
defaults Run MacOS defaults script
dock Run MacOS dock script
Many thanks to the dotfiles community and the creators of the incredibly useful tools.