👓 A curated list of awesome android kotlin apps by open-source contributors.
Awesome Android Kotlin Apps aims to be the starting point for developers to find an Android app with a particular Tech Stack / Libraries.
🎨 Pattern
A curated list of awesome Jetpack Compose android apps by open-source contributors.
Awesome Jetpack Compose Android Apps aims to be the starting point for developers to find an Android app with a Jetpack Compose suite of libraries.
Unofficial Unsplash Android App
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase In-App Messaging, Paging, Navigation, Google Play Billing, Muzei, LiveData, ViewModel
Whatsapp Clone base on Firebase Cloud Messaging
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Auth, WorkManager, Google Maps, Paging, JSoup, vanniktech/Emoji, afollestad/inline-activity-result, LiveData, ViewModel
TVFlix connects with TVDB API to give you popular shows and let you mark anyone as favorite.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Deezer Clone application. Fetching data from the network and integrating local data in the database via repository pattern.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,Navigation LiveData), Retrofit, Paging, Testing
https://github.com/vidit135g/Replify-Messenger [Kotlin + Java]
Minimal text messenger with a ton of features.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Realm, ExoPlayer, Conductor, Mixpanel Android, libphonenumber-android, Call Control DataShare, LiveData, ViewModel
Jetpack 实战项目 PokemonGo(神奇宝贝)基于 MVVM 架构和 Repository 设计模式
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel
Collection of tools for Android app development in one place 🔧 🔨
Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Room, Venom, LiveData, ViewModel
article app for android
Tech Stack = RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, ExoPlayer, LiveData, ViewModel
A minimalistic movie listing app to browse IMDB's top 250 movies.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel
Plees Tracker is a simple sleep tracker for your Android phone.
Tech Stack = Room, LiveData, ViewModel
Android application to manage tracked Anime and Manga lists.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Heyyoo is a sample social media Android application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Algolia, LocGetter, EasyValidation, Dexter, Splashy, secure-preferences, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Jetpack MVVM For Wanandroid 最佳实践 !
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Navigation, FlowLayout, LiveData, ViewModel
Browse, search, download, and share amazing free photos provided by talented photographers on Unsplash and Pexels.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase-ML, Firebase-Analytics, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
An android app that shows time-line of upcoming rocket launches.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
App written in Kotlin for budget tracking.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Stay up to date on the latest AndroidX library releases.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Testing, Fuel, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Vocable AAC allows those with conditions such as MS, stroke, ALS, or spinal cord injuries to communicate using an app that tracks head movements, without the need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on technology to do so.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Room, Data Binding, AR, LiveData, ViewModel
Find the right git commands 🔥 without digging through the web.😊😊😉
Tech Stack = Kotlin, LiveData, ViewModel
🔥基于 Kotlin 语言仿写「开眼 Eyepetizer」的一个短视频 Android 客户端项目,采用 Jetpack + 协程实现的 MVVM 架构。
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, WorkManager, GSYVideoPlayer, Data Binding, PermissionX, EventBus, LiveData, ViewModel
🍲Foodium is a sample food blog Android application 📱
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel
Showly 2.0 is modern, slick, open-sourced and completely free Android TV Shows Tracker.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Navigation, Dynamicanimation, LiveData, ViewModel
Automatically track websites changes on Android in background.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, JSoup, js-evaluator-for-android, LiveData, ViewModel
Notes and Tasks app where you can add notes and tasks with Reminders also with categories.
Tech Stack = Koin dependency injection, Coroutines, Realm db, Material Components, Markdown, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A simple to-do app created to study the latest components, architecture, tools, and APIs released in Android Platform. The project evolved a lot in the last year and now is available on Google Play! ❤️
Tech Stack = Koin, Espresso, UiAutomator, Mockk, Coroutines, Navigation, Room, MotionLayout, KTX, Modularization, Dynamic Delivery, Dark Theme, klint, Detekt, codebeat, CodeFactor, Codacy, MPAndroidChart, Groupie, LiveData, ViewModel
A Sample to track COVID-19 cases in India and globally.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, WorkManager, Navigation, MPAndroidChart, LiveData, ViewModel
Minimal Wallpapers for Android. The goal of this project is to create a responsive application and with optimized networking, a good place to see implementation. moved to wallhaven.cc api from unsplashed api due to rate limits.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
An Android app for viewing and predicting the latest World Rugby rankings 🏉
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, insetter, LiveData, ViewModel
WallpaperApp App for viewing and downloading wallpapers.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Lottie, Zoomy, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Github Visualizer Android Application to track any user activity on Github built using the Github Developers Api. Implementation for almost all methods Github Developers Api.🔥🔥
Tech Stack = Retrofit, Firebase Auth, Coroutines, LiveData, ViewModel
📝 Tedu Todo app, but minimal, open-source and free. It lets you to sync your todos on your cloud provider. This project is architected in a modular structure and you can learn a lot from it.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Room, Coroutines, Firebase Messaging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
🔒 Password Vault is an all in one offline password storing application where you can also store debit/credit cards and bank details with one 🔑 Master PIN.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
🗽 NY Times App is an Minimal News 🗞 Android application built to describe the use of JSoup with Modern Android development tools.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Room, JSoup, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
An opensource Indian chat app with new cool concepts.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Storage, Cloud Functions, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Instant Weather fetches data from the OpenWeatherMap API.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, Algolia Search, LiveData, ViewModel
The practice of MVVM + Jetpack architecture in Android.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A currency tracker app demonstration.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A reddit client built for android
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A simple movie app
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel
An android app that tracks your walk with images every 100 meters.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel
It can encrypt and sync notes to the user's own Google Drive or Dropbox accounts.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Testing, Room, Google Drive, Dropbox, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
An open-source Android app for viewing Movies / TV information.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Android app for viewing and downloading Flickr photos.
Tech Stack = Retrofit, Room, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel
Android app that helps You keep up with SpaceX 🚀
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, MPAndroidChart, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Calorie tracker for android that supports recipes and products search.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Facebook Login, WorkManager, MPAndroidChart, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
RSS Reader for Android with article filtering and curation.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Jsoup, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Android app fully written in Kotlin for droidconKE2020
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Google Auth, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Open Event Attendee Android General App
Tech Stack = Koin, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Stripe, PayPal, Mapbox, Paging, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
The Movie DB app using Kotlin with updated Android features.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Paging, Data Binding, Easy Permissions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Displays live prices of many types of cryptocoins as well as create a wallet to track total portfolio value.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, socketIO, Retrofit, Room, MPAndroidChart, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A SpaceX companion app for Android
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Private chat app with realtime notification and support audio messages, image sharing, file sharing.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Facebook Login, WorkManager, Dexter, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A booru client for Android, support Danbooru, Moebooru, Gelbooru, Sankaku, etc
Tech Stack = Kodein, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Exoplayer, Navigation, Tikxml, LiveData, ViewModel
An anime-pictures.net client for Android.
Tech Stack = Kodein, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, Markwon, LiveData, ViewModel
An android app that showing the details of the BTC/USD currency pair, at real-time.
Tech Stack = Koin, RxJava, Testing, Scarlet, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel
Android client for Software Engineering Daily
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Exoplayer, Navigation, Android-Permissions, LiveData, ViewModel
Wallpaper app based on pexels.com API.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Markwon, LiveData, ViewModel
🔐 Open source app locker, vault, call blocker application
Tech Stack = Dagger, RxJava, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, RxPermissions, LiveData, ViewModel
An offline-first Imgur client app that lets you view your albums and photos and upload new ones even if you are offline.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, android-upload-service, LiveData, ViewModel
Social Note - Note-taking, sharing, time & location reminder
Tech Stack = Koin, RxJava, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Data Binding, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel
Exchange Rates application
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, MPAndroidChart, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
📦📦Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites
Tech Stack = Dagger, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel
Simple Android app to show how to design a multi-modules MVVM Android app (fully tested)
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
☁️ Unofficial file.io Android App 📱
Tech Stack = Testing, Fuel, Room, WorkManager, Navigation, PermissionsDispatcher, LiveData, ViewModel
🗡️ Android Pokedex using Dagger Hilt, Motion, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, LiveData) based on MVVM architecture.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel
Wiqaytna is the official Moroccan exposure notification app. (Covid19)
Tech Stack = RxJava, Testing, Room, Firebase Storage, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Perf, Firebase Functions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A Simple Audio Player to play (online/offline) songs by running a service in the background and displaying a notification at top of the screen.
Tech Stack = Koin, Testing, Room, Firebase Storage, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Perf, Firebase Functions, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
The Google I/O 2019 Android App
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Messaging, Firebase Functions, Navigation, ARCore, LiveData, ViewModel
Muzei Live Wallpaper for Android
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Perf, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Firefox Preview
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firebase Perf, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
APKUpdater is an open source tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed apps.
Tech Stack = Koin, JSoup, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Paging, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel
The most beautiful SMS messenger for Android
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Realm, ExoPlayer, Conductor, Data Binding, ShortcutBadger, LiveData, ViewModel
Apturi Covid Android lietotne
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, ShortcutBadger, LiveData, ViewModel
Android Github客户端,基于组件化开发,支持账户密码与认证登陆。使用Kotlin语言进行开发,项目架构是基于JetPack&DataBinding的MVVM;同时支持组件开发,使用Arouter进行组件间的跳转;网络框架使用了Retrofit&Coroutine。项目持续更新中,为了防止走失,请做好start准备!😊😊
Tech Stack = Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Paging, Navigation, Data Binding, ARouter, LiveData, ViewModel
Native Android app for Habitica
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Realm, Firebase Messaging, Paging, Navigation, Facebook, FlowLayout, LiveData, ViewModel
Popular People is a sample Android application 📱 showing stars of the world 👓 built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools. Dedicated to all Android Developers with ❤️.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Sandwich, LiveData, ViewModel
Android app for recording gratitude journal entries.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Room, Firebase Messaging, WorkManager, Dropbox, Calendar view, Paging, Biometric, LiveData, ViewModel
Raffler is a simple raffling app which intends to make decision making easier
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Room, LiveData, ViewModel
Yet Another Anime List is an app that allows you to view upcoming and trending animes on MAL. It also allows you to favourite animes.
Tech Stack = Dagger, RxJava, Testing using Fakes, MockWebserver, RxRetrofit, Room, Navigation Components, Lottie, LiveData, ViewModel
Simple application for tracking Covid-19 info. Stay safe.😷
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, MPAndroidChart, LiveData, ViewModel
A simple and sleek Android client consuming the Tuko News Api.. Data is fetched from the official tuko.co.ke news API.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel
A localized News reader Android app powered by newsapi.org. Will Automatically localize your news based on your location if its supported by API.
Tech Stack = Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Pretty Time, LiveData, ViewModel
A sample Android gallery to search images posted on Reddit built using modern Android development tools.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel
🍿Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Android Architecture Components. It showcases the app development with well-designed architecture and up-to-date Android tech stacks.
Tech Stack = Koin, RxJava, Room, Paging, Navigation, Epoxy, LiveData, ViewModel
An Android app with Offline first approach, powered by dog.ceo. Build with amazing transition and animations, following material design principles and modern tech stack.
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Flows, Retrofit, Room, Material Design Components, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
🦠 Simple COVID19 data monitoring worldwide with interactive chart and map
Tech Stack = MVVM, Live Data, Koin, RxJava, RxBinding, Offline first with simple caching, Spek2Framwework for Unit Testing, etc
Knote app is a simple yet standard note taking app with features like image addition, ocr, text to speech and more
Tech Stack = ViewModel, Live Data, Koin, Room db, Coroutines etc
This is a sample movie list Android application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Clean Architecture tools with 80% code coverage. Dedicated to all Android Developers with ❤️.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Unit Testing for modules, Mockito, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, CI-CD, SOLID, Code Coverage, Jacoco, Detekt, ktlint, Stetho, LiveData, ViewModel
💎 Android application following best practices: Kotlin, coroutines, Clean Architecture, feature modules, tests, MVVM, static analysis...
Tech Stack = Kodein, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, KAndroid, Lottie, Detekt, Navigation, Dynamic Feature Modules, LiveData, ViewModel
Clean Architecture Modular Project.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Weather App that uses Android best practices. Android Jetpack, clean architecture. Written in Kotlin
Tech Stack = Dagger Hilt, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
A Star Wars API app that lets you search for characters, view details about them and save your favorite characters.
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Data Binding, Motion Layout, LiveData, ViewModel
Pet project using Clean Architecture + MVVM + Reactive Extensions + Android Architecture Components. The data are fetched from LondonTheatreDirect API. performing_arts
Tech Stack = Dagger, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, Data Binding, LiveData, ViewModel
An Android App that shows the stats of coronavirus worldwide and per country .
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, LiveData, ViewModel , Stetho
🏘 Real Estate App with many screens written with RxJava3+Flow with offline first/last using dynamic feature modules, and TDD, used ConcatAdapter to have RV with different layouts.
Tech Stack = RxJava3, Coroutines Flow, Retrofit, Room, Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature Modules, ConcatAdapter, LiveData, ViewModel, SavedStateHandle, WorkManager, Glide, Lottie, MpCharts, MockWebServer, MockK, FlowTestObserver, ktLint, detekt, Git Hooks, Git Flow
Food recipe app that uses Modularization, Single Activity Architecture, and Clean Architecture.
Tech Stack = Navigation Component, Dagger, Coroutines Flow, Room, Retrofit, LiveData, ViewModel, View Binding, Dynamic Feature Modules.
NewsFeed, provides live top and breaking headlines for a country, specific category in a country, single source, or multiple sources, by interacting to News API.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, WorkManager, Data Binding, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
⚡️Comic reader app 📘. Learning MVVM / MVI with 🌀 RxKotlin, Retrofit, Kotlin Coroutine, Work Manager, Room, Firebase ... ❄️
Tech Stack = Koin, Coroutines, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Firebase Storage, WorkManager, Navigation, Paging, LiveData, ViewModel
Application that interacts with the website open-api.xyz.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Retrofit, Room, Navigation, LiveData, ViewModel
Clean Rx Kotlin Architecture sample on GitHub Api 🚀
Tech Stack = Dagger, RxJava, Retrofit, Room, Clean Architecture, LiveData, ViewModel
Android example with Clean Architecture by layer.
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Testing, Retrofit, Room, Firestore, Firebase Auth, Navigation, Markdown Processor, LiveData, ViewModel
Tachiyomi is a free and open source manga reader for Android 5.0 and above.
Tech Stack = Inorichi injekt, Coroutines, RxJava, Testing, Retrofit, DiskLruCache, Jsoup, WorkManager, Duktape Android, Conductor
Android Clean Architecture + MVP Sample written in Kotlin
Tech Stack = Clean Architecture, Coroutines, RxJava 2, Coroutines, Toothpick, Moxy, Unit-tests (Spek, Mockk), UI-tests (Kaspresso)
A shadowsocks client for Android
Tech Stack = Testing, Room, Firebase Ads, WorkManager
Simple yet powerful rich note taking android application, with a lot of flexibilty of usage
Tech Stack = Dagger, Coroutines, Room, Firebase Auth, Firebase Database, Paging, Navigation, Evernote android-job, Facebook Litho, Facebook SoLoader, Biometric
- Dagger, Koin, Kodein, Inorichi Injekt, Coroutines, Rx, Testing, Retrofit, Fuel, Room, Realm, Firebase Products, WorkManager, ExoPlayer, Paging, Navigation, Lottie, Zoomy, JSoup, js-evaluator-for-android, Algolia Search, Conductor, Call Control DataShare, libphonenumber-android, Mixpanel Android, Venom, FlowLayout, ARCore, GSYVideoPlayer, PermissionX, EventBus, Dynamicanimation, Google Drive, Dropbox, MPAndroidChart, Facebook Products, PayPal, Stripe, Easy Permissions, socketIO, Dexter, Tikxml, Markwon, Scarlet, Android-Permissions, RxPermissions, android-upload-service, PermissionsDispatcher, ShortcutBadger, ARouter, Sandwich, Calendar view, Biometric, Pretty Time, Markdown Processor, DiskLruCache, Duktape Android, Evernote android-job, Facebook Litho, Facebook SoLoader, Data Binding
See contributing.md