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a family of versatile and state-of-the-art video tokenizers.


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A Family of Versatile and State-Of-The-Art Video Tokenizers



We introduce VidTok, a cutting-edge family of video tokenizers that excels in both continuous and discrete tokenizations. VidTok incorporates several key advancements over existing approaches:

  • ⚡️ Efficient Architecture. Separate spatial and temporal sampling reduces computational complexity without sacrificing quality.
  • 🔥 Advanced Quantization. Finite Scalar Quantization (FSQ) addresses training instability and codebook collapse in discrete tokenization.
  • 💥 Enhanced Training. A two-stage strategy—pre-training on low-res videos and fine-tuning on high-res—boosts efficiency. Reduced frame rates improve motion dynamics representation.

VidTok, trained on a large-scale video dataset, outperforms previous models across all metrics, including PSNR, SSIM, LPIPS, and FVD.



  • December, 2024: 🚀 VidTwin was released!
  • December, 2024: 🚀 VidTok was released!


  1. Clone this repository and navigate to VidTok folder:
git clone
cd VidTok
  1. We provide an environment.yaml file for setting up a Conda environment. Conda's installation instructions are available here.
# 1. Prepare conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yaml
# 2. Activate the environment
conda activate vidtok

We recommend using 1+ high-end GPU for training and inference. We have done all testing and development using A100 and MI300X GPUs. For convenience, we also provide prebuilt Docker images with required dependencies. You can use it as follows:

docker run -it --gpus all --shm-size 256G --rm -v `pwd`:/workspace --workdir /workspace \
    deeptimhe/ubuntu22.04-cuda12.1-python3.10-pytorch2.5:orig-vidtok bash
docker run -it --gpus all --shm-size 256G --rm -v `pwd`:/workspace --workdir /workspace \
    deeptimhe/ubuntu22.04-rocm6.2.4-python3.10-pytorch2.5:orig-vidtok bash


Download pre-trained models here, and put them in checkpoints folder, like:

└── checkpoints
    ├── vidtok_fsq_causal_41616_262144.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_fsq_causal_488_262144.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_fsq_causal_488_32768.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_fsq_causal_488_4096.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_fsq_noncausal_41616_262144.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_fsq_noncausal_488_262144.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_kl_causal_41616_4chn.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_kl_causal_488_16chn.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_kl_causal_488_8chn.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_kl_causal_488_4chn.ckpt
    ├── vidtok_kl_noncausal_41616_4chn.ckpt
    └── vidtok_kl_noncausal_488_4chn.ckpt

Each checkpoint has a corresponding config file with the same name in configs folder.

Model Regularizer Causal VCR PSNR SSIM LPIPS FVD
vidtok_kl_causal_488_4chn KL-4chn ✔️ 4x8x8 29.64 0.852 0.114 194.2
vidtok_kl_causal_488_8chn KL-8chn ✔️ 4x8x8 31.83 0.897 0.083 109.3
vidtok_kl_causal_488_16chn KL-16chn ✔️ 4x8x8 35.04 0.942 0.047 78.9
vidtok_kl_causal_41616_4chn KL-4chn ✔️ 4x16x16 25.05 0.711 0.228 549.1
vidtok_kl_noncausal_488_4chn KL-4chn ✖️ 4x8x8 30.60 0.876 0.098 157.9
vidtok_kl_noncausal_41616_4chn KL-4chn ✖️ 4x16x16 26.06 0.751 0.190 423.2
vidtok_fsq_causal_488_262144 FSQ-262,144 ✔️ 4x8x8 29.82 0.867 0.106 160.1
vidtok_fsq_causal_488_32768 FSQ-32,768 ✔️ 4x8x8 29.16 0.854 0.117 196.9
vidtok_fsq_causal_488_4096 FSQ-4096 ✔️ 4x8x8 28.36 0.832 0.133 218.1
vidtok_fsq_causal_41616_262144 FSQ-262,144 ✔️ 4x16x16 25.38 0.738 0.206 430.1
vidtok_fsq_noncausal_488_262144 FSQ-262,144 ✖️ 4x8x8 30.78 0.889 0.091 132.1
vidtok_fsq_noncausal_41616_262144 FSQ-262,144 ✖️ 4x16x16 26.37 0.772 0.171 357.0
  • VCR indicates the video compression ratio TxHxW.
  • The above table shows model performance evaluated on 30 test videos in MCL_JCL dataset, with a sample fps of 30. The input size is 17x256x256 for causal models and 16x256x256 for non-causal models.


Data Preparation

  1. Put all training videos under DATA_DIR:
    ├── subset1
    │   ├── videoname11.mp4
    │   └── videoname12.mp4
    ├── subset2
    │   ├── videoname21.mp4
    │   ├── videoname22.mp4
    │   └── subsubset1
    │       ├── videoname211.mp4
    │       └── videoname212.mp4
    └── ...
  1. Prepare a .csv meta file to record the relative paths of these videos with respect to DATA_DIR, like:

Validation data is also prepared following the above steps.

Fine-tune on Custom Data

  1. Prepare your own training and validation data following Data Preparation.
  2. Select the appropriate CONFIG file from configs folder based on your needs, and modify the following parameters:
  • Specify the ckpt_path parameter to initialize the model with pre-trained checkpoint parameters:
    ckpt_path: PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT  # train from existing checkpoint
  • Specify the data section to use your own training and validation data:
        data_dir: DATA_DIR_1  # DATA_DIR for training data
        meta_path: META_PATH_1  # path to the .csv meta file of training data
          input_height: INPUT_HEIGHT_1
          input_width: INPUT_WIDTH_1
          sample_num_frames: NUM_FRAMES_1  # typically set to 17 for causal models and 16 for non-causal models
          sample_fps: SAMPLE_FPS_1  # sample fps for training data
        data_dir: DATA_DIR_2  # DATA_DIR for validation data
        meta_path: META_PATH_2  # path to the .csv meta file of validation data
          input_height: INPUT_HEIGHT_2
          input_width: INPUT_WIDTH_2
          sample_num_frames: NUM_FRAMES_2  # typically set to 17 for causal models and 16 for non-causal models
          sample_fps: SAMPLE_FPS_2  # sample fps for validation data
        start_index: 0  # fixed value to ensure the same sampled data
  • Set fix_encoder and fix_decoder to be False to enable full model fine-tuning:
        fix_encoder: false
        fix_decoder: false
  • Other hyperparameters according to your needs.
  1. Run the following command to start training:
python -b CONFIG --logdir LOGDIR

# You can also use `torchrun` to start the training code.

Training logs and checkpoints are saved in LOGDIR.

It is recommended to use Weights & Biases as the data visualization tool (TensorBoard by default). Use wandb login to log in first, and then run:

python -b CONFIG --logdir LOGDIR --wandb --wandb_entity ENTITY --wandb_project PROJECT

Train from Scratch

Two-stage Training We adopt a two-stage training strategy to improve training efficiency: initially pre-training the full model on low-resolution videos, followed by fine-tuning only the decoder on high-resolution videos.
First Stage Second Stage Fix encoder PSNR SSIM LPIPS GPU Hours
256 x 256 - - 29.19 0.843 0.127 3,072
128 x 128 256 x 256 ✔️ 29.21 0.843 0.125 1,536
  1. Prepare your own training and validation data following Data Preparation.
  2. Select the appropriate CONFIG file from configs folder based on your needs, and specify the data section to use your own training and validation data:
        data_dir: DATA_DIR_1  # DATA_DIR for training data
        meta_path: META_PATH_1  # path to the .csv meta file of training data
          input_height: INPUT_HEIGHT_1  # vary in different training stages
          input_width: INPUT_WIDTH_1  # vary in different training stages
          sample_num_frames: NUM_FRAMES_1  # typically set to 17 for causal models and 16 for non-causal models
          sample_fps: SAMPLE_FPS_1  # sample fps for training data
        data_dir: DATA_DIR_2  # DATA_DIR for validation data
        meta_path: META_PATH_2  # path to the .csv meta file of validation data
          input_height: INPUT_HEIGHT_2
          input_width: INPUT_WIDTH_2
          sample_num_frames: NUM_FRAMES_2  # typically set to 17 for causal models and 16 for non-causal models
          sample_fps: SAMPLE_FPS_2  # sample fps for validation data
        start_index: 0  # fixed value to ensure the same sampled data
  1. Start the first stage of training. First, revise the CONFIG file to enable full model training with low-resolution data:
    # ckpt_path:  # disable this parameter so as to train from scratch
        fix_encoder: false
        fix_decoder: false
            input_height: 128
            input_width: 128

Then revise other hyperparameters according to your needs, and run the training command to start training as in Fine-tune on Custom Data. We train VidTok for 50,000 steps with batch size 16 in this stage.

  1. Start the second stage of training. First, revise the CONFIG file to enable the fine-tuning of the decoder with high-resolution data:
    ckpt_path: CKPT_PATH  # path to the saved checkpoint after the first stage of training
        fix_encoder: true
        fix_decoder: false
            input_height: 256
            input_width: 256

Then revise other hyperparameters according to your needs, and run the training command to start training as in Fine-tune on Custom Data. We train VidTok for 30,000 steps with batch size 8 in this stage.


Easy Usage

We provide the following example for a quick usage of our models. It works for both continuous and discrete tokenization and both causal and non-causal models. Just provide the path to the configuration file cfg_path and checkpoint file ckpt_path, and set is_causal to True or False accordingly.

import torch
from scripts.inference_evaluate import load_model_from_config

cfg_path = "configs/vidtok_kl_causal_488_4chn.yaml"
ckpt_path = "checkpoints/vidtok_kl_causal_488_4chn.ckpt"
is_causal = True

device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")    
# load pre-trained model
model = load_model_from_config(cfg_path, ckpt_path)
# random input
num_frames = 17 if is_causal else 16
x_input = (torch.rand(1, 3, num_frames, 256, 256) * 2 - 1).to(device)  # [B, C, T, H, W], range -1~1
# model forward
with torch.no_grad(), torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16):
    _, x_recon, _ = model(x_input)
assert x_input.shape == x_recon.shape

Use Torch Compile to Speed Up Inference

Use compiled components in VidTok can speed up inference by as much as 2X. The following code snippet demonstrates how to compile our models.

import torch
from scripts.inference_evaluate import load_model_from_config


cfg_path = "configs/vidtok_kl_causal_488_4chn.yaml"
ckpt_path = "checkpoints/vidtok_kl_causal_488_4chn.ckpt"
is_causal = True

device = torch.device("cuda") if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device("cpu")    
# load pre-trained model
model = load_model_from_config(cfg_path, ckpt_path)
# random input
num_frames = 17 if is_causal else 16
x_input = (torch.rand(1, 3, num_frames, 256, 256) * 2 - 1).to(device)  # [B, C, T, H, W], range -1~1

model.encoder =  torch.compile(model.encoder)
model.decoder = torch.compile(model.decoder)

# Warm Up
with torch.no_grad(), torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16):
    _, x_recon, _ = model(x_input)

import time
start = time.time()
with torch.no_grad(), torch.autocast(device_type='cuda', dtype=torch.float16):
    for i in range(10):
        _, x_recon, _ = model(x_input) 
print(f"Average inference time: {(time.time() - start)/10 :.4f} seconds")

Reconstruct an Input Video

python scripts/ --config CONFIG --ckpt CKPT --input_video_path VIDEO_PATH --num_frames_per_batch NUM_FRAMES_PER_BATCH --input_height 256 --input_width 256 --sample_fps 30 --output_video_dir OUTPUT_DIR
  • Specify VIDEO_PATH to the path of your test video. We provide an example video in assets/example.mp4.
  • Set NUM_FRAMES_PER_BATCH to 17 for causal models and 16 for non-causal models.
  • The reconstructed video is saved in OUTPUT_DIR.
  • For causal models, you can choose to add --pad_gen_frames to the command line, which may improve the smoothness of the reconstructed video.

Performance Evaluation

We also provide a manuscript scripts/ to evaluate the video reconstruction performance in PSNR, SSIM and LPIPS.

  1. Put all of your test videos under DATA_DIR.
  2. Run the following command, and all .mp4 videos under DATA_DIR will be tested:
python scripts/ --config CONFIG --ckpt CKPT --data_dir DATA_DIR --num_frames_per_batch NUM_FRAMES_PER_BATCH --input_height 256 --input_width 256 --sample_fps 30

(Optional) If you only want to test certain videos under DATA_DIR, you need to prepare a .csv meta file to indicate the video files to be tested (refer to Data Preparation). And add --meta_path META_PATH to the above command to specify the path to the .csv meta file.

Intended Uses

We are sharing our model with the research community to foster further research in this area:

  • Training your own video tokenizers for research purpose.
  • Video tokenization with various compression rates.

Out-of-scope Uses

Our models are not specifically designed or evaluated for all downstream purposes. Developers should consider common limitations of video tokenizers (e.g., performance degradation on out-of-domain data) as they select use cases, and evaluate and mitigate for privacy, safety, and fairness before using within a specific downstream use case, particularly for high-risk scenarios.

Developers should be aware of and adhere to applicable laws or regulations (including privacy, trade compliance laws, etc.) that are relevant to their use case.

Risks and Limitations

Some of the limitations of this model to be aware of include:

  • VidTok may lose detailed information on the reconstructed content.
  • VidTok inherits any biases, errors, or omissions characteristic of its training data.
  • VidTok was developed for research and experimental purposes. Further testing and validation are needed before considering its application in commercial or real-world scenarios.


This codebase borrows code from generative-models. We thank Stability AI for its efforts and innovations, which have made the development process more efficient and convenient.

Thank you to everyone who contributed their wisdom and efforts to this project.


  title={VidTok: A Versatile and Open-Source Video Tokenizer},
  author={Tang, Anni and He, Tianyu and Guo, Junliang and Cheng, Xinle and Song, Li and Bian, Jiang},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.13061},


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a family of versatile and state-of-the-art video tokenizers.



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