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VS Remote Debugging

kmelmon edited this page Jun 4, 2020 · 4 revisions

Note: Work is in progress enabling this scenario! See:

How to remote debug Playground

  1. On your dev machine, open packages/playground/windows/Playground.sln
  2. On your dev machine, Run the metro bundler by doing yarn start --host devMachineName
  3. On your target machine, run MSVSMon. This can be downloaded from here.
    a. I haven’t been able to figure out authentication so once you run msvsmon, click on Options and select no authentication.
  4. Right click on the Playground project, Properties, Debugging
    a. Select Remote debugging, and enter the IP of the debug target
    b. In the command line arguments textbox, enter devMachineName:8081
    c. In the protocol dropdown, select no authentication
  5. F5! This will build your playground app, and deploy to the target machine.
  6. On the target, press Load. This will communicate back to the dev machine bundler and launch the web debugger on the dev machine, and serve the pages back to the app running in the target.