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ApplicationInsights.XML (2.x)
This file must be named ApplicationInsights.xml
It will be automatically discovered if on the classpath.
See the getting started guide for more information about the SDK discovering the configuration file.
This assumes the web application is using the WebRequestTrackingFilter.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ApplicationInsights xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ApplicationInsights/2013/Settings">
<!-- Replace the value here with your key from the portal: -->
<!-- or use a connection string instead of the InstrumentationKey element (since 2.5.1): -->
<!-- <ConnectionString>InstrumentationKey=ffffeeee-dddd-cccc-bbbb-aaaa99998888</ConnectionString> -->
<!-- HTTP request component (not required for bare API) -->
<!-- These modules enable collection of additional telemetry or metadata -->
<!-- enables sending request telemetry collected by the WebRequestTrackingFilter; collects metadata about the request -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.modules.WebRequestTrackingTelemetryModule"/>
<!-- collects session id -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.modules.WebSessionTrackingTelemetryModule"/>
<!-- collects user metatdata -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.modules.WebUserTrackingTelemetryModule"/>
<!-- Events correlation (not required for bare API) -->
<!-- These initializers add context data to each event -->
<!-- Adds operation id gathered from WebRequestTrackingTelemetryModule -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.initializers.WebOperationIdTelemetryInitializer"/>
<!-- Adds operation name gathered from WebRequestTrackingTelemetryModule -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.initializers.WebOperationNameTelemetryInitializer"/>
<!-- Adds session metadata collected from WebSessionTrackingTelemetryModule -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.initializers.WebSessionTelemetryInitializer"/>
<!-- Adds user metadata collected from WebUserTrackingtelemetryModule -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.initializers.WebUserTelemetryInitializer"/>
<!-- Adds user agent metadata collected from WebRequestTrackingTelemetryModule -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.initializers.WebUserAgentTelemetryInitializer"/>
Each of the following subsections decribe a child element under the root element: <ApplicationInsights xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ApplicationInsights/2013/Settings">
The channel is in charge of sending telemetry items to the cloud. This showcases the default values. This element and its children are optional.
<Channel type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.channel.concrete.inprocess.InProcessTelemetryChannel">
<FlushIntervalInSeconds>5</FlushIntervalInSeconds><!-- must be between [1, 500]. values outside the bound will be rounded to nearest bound -->
<MaxInstantRetry>3</MaxInstantRetry><!-- must be between [0, 10] -->
<MaxTelemetryBufferCapacity>500</MaxTelemetryBufferCapacity><!-- units=number of telemetry items; must be between [1, 1000] -->
<MaxTransmissionStorageFilesCapacityInMB>10</MaxTransmissionStorageFilesCapacityInMB><!-- must be between [1, 1000] -->
ContextInitializers add metadata to the telemetry context which is sent with each telemetry item as a property.
If a custom ContextInitializer is added, the metadata included should be static with respect to the application runtime.
Custom ContextInitializers must be implementations of com.microsoft.applicationinsights.extensibility.ContextInitializer
<!-- The next two initializers are commented out because they are included by default and cannot be removed. -->
This adds metadata regarding where the application is running, e.g. OS, hostname, etc.
<Add type="DeviceInfoContextInitializer" />
This adds metadata about the SDK version and language.
<Add type="SdkVersionContextInitializer" />
<!-- Examples of custom initializers -->
<Add type="mypackage.MyCustomContextInitializer" />
<!-- If you would like the initializer to be configurable, provide a constructor with a single parameter of type Map<String, String> -->
<Add type="mypackage.MyConfigurableContextInitializer">
<Param name="some_config_property" value="some_value" />
This disables all telemetry when set to true
The instrumentation key acquired from the Azure portal .
Since 2.5.1 The Connection String can be found in your Application Insights resource's Overview pane in the Azure Portal.
This can be use instead of InstrumentationKey
Alternatively, you may set the environment variable APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING
to your Connection String. This will override any value found in the configuration XML.
TelemetryModules are flexible components which can be used for a variety of purposes. For example:
- They can be used by other components to send telemetry for a specific scenario, e.g.
. - They can be used to collect data to be used by telemetry initializers. By default, there are no TelemetryModules configured.
Custom TelemetryModules must be implementations of com.microsoft.applicationinsights.extensibility.TelemetryModule
<!-- These are described in detail in the minimal example above. -->
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.modules.WebRequestTrackingTelemetryModule" />
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.modules.WebSessionTrackingTelemetryModule" />
<Add type="com.microsoft.applicationinsights.web.extensibility.modules.WebUserTrackingTelemetryModule" />
<!-- examples of custom modules -->
<Add type="mypackage.MyCustomModule" />
<!-- If you would like the module to be configurable, provide a constructor with a single parameter of type java.util.Map<String, String> -->
<Add type="mypackage.MyConfigurableModule">
<Param name="some_config_property" value="some_value" />
PerformanceCounters are telemetry items sent at a regular frequency. The collection frequency must be at least 1.
<PerformanceCounters collectionFrequencyInSec="60">
Built-in performance counters include:
* Everything in the <Jvm /> section
* These system performance counters (collected on both Linux and Windows):
- category=Process, name=Private Bytes, instance="__SELF__"
- category=Process, name=% Processor Time, instance="__SELF__"
- category=Processor, name=% Processor Time, instance="_Total"
- category=Process, name=IO Data Bytes/sec, instance="__SELF__"
- category=Memory, name=Available Bytes, instance=""
This controls the JvmPerformanceCountersModule.
It can be disabled, or each individual component can be disabled.
This is optional; the example below shows the defaults.
<Jvm enabled="true">
<JvmPC name="GC" enabled="true" />
<JvmPC name="MemoryUsage" enabled="true" />
<JvmPC name="ThreadDeadLockDetector" enabled="true" />
Configures additional Windows performance counters.
Additional Linux system metrics are configured using the collectd plugin.
Here, you can add additional performance counters you'd like to collect.
The displayName will be the identified in Azure.
Normally, performance counters are in the form "\categoryName(instanceName)\counterName"; e.g. the output of TypePerf.
<Add displayName="System Threads"
counterName="Threads" />
Below, you'll find some example JMX metrics.
There are two supported JMX metric attribute types: REGULAR (the default) and COMPOSITE.
COMPOSITE attributes are of the form 'X.y'.
<Add displayName="Thread Count"
attribute="ThreadCount" />
<Add displayName="Used Heap Memory"
type="COMPOSITE" />
QuickPulse is the nickname for Live Metrics found in the Application Insights blade on the Azure portal. By default, it is enabled.
To disable, set the attribute enabled="false"
<QuickPulse enabled="true" />
TelemetryInitializers can transform a Telemetry object before being sent. They are called after the ContextInitializers and before the TelemetryProcessors. They are very similar to the TelemetryProcessors, except they cannot prevent telemetry items from being sent. TelemetryInitializers can only modify a Telemetry item before being passed to the TelemetryProcessors
<!-- Examples of custom initializers -->
<Add type="mypackage.MyCustomTelemetryInitializer" />
<!-- If you would like the initializer to be configurable, provide a constructor with a single parameter of type Map<String, String> -->
<Add type="mypackage.MyConfigurableTelemetryInitializer">
<Param name="some_config_property" value="some_value" />
TelemetryProcessors can be thought of as filters for telemetry items. Telemetry items are sent to the TelemetryProcessors as the last step before sending. The best example of this is sampling.
The following subsections describe the child elements of <TelemetryProcessors />
In the source code, BuiltIn TelemetryProcessors are annotated with @BuiltInProcessor
This section can be used to load and configure these processors.
NOTE: By default, none of these are loaded.
Both the BuiltInProcessors and CustomProcessors have the same child structure.
In each section, <Processor />
elements can be added with a required type
attribute specifying the FQCN of the TelemetryProcessor
This enables that processor and the child elements of Processor configure that class.
The <Add />
elements call setters in the TelemetryProcessor
The implementation must have a setter defined matching the name
For example, <Add name="SamplingPercentage" value="100.0" />
would indicate the method setSamplingPercentage
should be passed the parameter "100.0"
There are two other configuration elements available: ExcludedTypes and IncludedTypes.
These specify the Telemetry item types which should be handled by the TelemetryProcessor.
The TelemetryProcessor implementation should include these methods respectively: addToExcludedType(String value)
and addToIncludedType(String value)
Generally, a Telemetry item will be processed if the item type is not in the ExcludedTypes and when the IncludedTypes set is non-empty, the item type is in the IncludedTypes.
However, it is up to the TelemetryProcessor implementation to enforce this contract.
The following subsections describe the built-in processors. These should be configured as child elements of <BuiltInProcessors>
<Processor type="FixedRateSamplingTelemetryProcessor">
<!-- This calls setSamplingPercentage("100.0") -->
<Add name="SamplingPercentage" value="100.0" />
By default, nothing is excluded.
<!-- Metric telemetry is not sampled by this processor -->
This processor configures a filter on RequestTelemetry. This filter only applies to RequestTelemetry and filter out items with a duration less than a given minimum and having a response code in a given list.
<Processor type="RequestTelemetryFilter">
If value > 0, this filters out any requests which have a duration less than this value.
A value <= 0 means there is no limit, i.e. telemetry will pass through regardless of duration.
<Add name="MinimumDurationInMS" value="0" />
A list of response codes to exclude or ranges of response codes.
For example, value="401-403,405-499,502" will filter out all items with 4xx response codes except 400 and 404, and also filters out 502 responses.
By default, nothing is filtered by response code.
<Add name="NotNeededResponseCodes" value="" />
<!-- include/exclude types are not applicable for this processor -->
This processor checks the 'telemetry.getContext().getOperation().getSyntheticSource()'. It filters out all items with a synthetic source or only the given set of sources.
<Processor type="SyntheticSourceFilter">
<!-- A CSV of sources to filter out -->
<Add name="NotNeededSources" value="" />
Filters out PageView telemetry with a specific duration, name or URI based on configuration.
<Processor type="PageViewTelemetryFilter">
<!-- Configures the threshold for filtering PageView items. Durations < this value are filtered out. -->
<Add name="DurationThresholdInMS" value="1" />
<!-- A CSV of page names to filter out. This is an exact match comparison. -->
<Add name="NotNeededNames" value="" />
A CSV of URIs to filter out. This is a contains comparison.
For example, if value="accounts,user/location" then these will be filtered out: '/accounts/my/join_date', '/list/all/accounts', '/users/user/location'
<Add name="NotNeededUrls" value="" />
Filters out EventTelemetry if its name is in the given list.
<Processor type="TelemetryEventFilter">
<!-- A CSV list of event names to filter out -->
<Add name="NotNeededNames" value="" />
Filters out TraceTelemetry if its severity level is equal to or higher than the given level. For example, if value="WARN" then WARN, ERROR and CRITICAL messages are sent; TRACE and INFO are filtered out.
By default, all messages are filtered out.
<Processor type="TraceTelemetryFilter">
<!-- The minimum level to send. If set to 'OFF', then all TraceTelemetry is filtered out. -->
<Add name="FromSeverityLevel" value="OFF" />
Filters out MetricTelemetry items if their names are in the given set of names.
<Processor type="MetricTelemetryFilter">
<!-- A CSV of metric names to filter out -->
<Add name="NotNeeded" value="" />
Any custom TelemetryProcessor implementations are specified within the <CustomProcessor />
The structure is the same as BuiltInProcessors.
See comments above for more information on implementation and configuration.
For Example:
<!-- FQCN of custom processor. Should have public no-arg constructor. -->
<Processor type="org.myorg.MyTelemetryProcessor">
<!-- will call method setMyConfigKey(String value) -->
<Add name="MyConfigKey" value="my config value" />
This configures the SDKLogger which writes diagnostic logging to the console or a file for debugging the SDK itself. For production environments, it is recommended this be off or at a level as course as possible.
When this element is missing from the configuration, logging is off.
This is equivalent to <SDKLogger type="OFF" />
When it is included, the default type is CONSOLE
Possible values for type are CONSOLE
and OFF
<SDKLogger type="CONSOLE">
<!-- Configures the minimum log level to display. TRACE is the default which includes log messages at all levels. Other possible levels in descending verbosity order are: INFO, WARN, ERROR -->
<!-- The following elements only apply when type="FILE" -->
<!-- Specifies the logfile filename prefix -->
<UniquePrefix><!-- REQUIRED; no default --></UniquePrefix>
<!-- Base Folder Path where logfiles will be written. This should be the absolute path of the folder location. -->
<BaseFolderPath><!-- C:/home/javasdklogs --></BaseFolderPath>
<!-- The number of logfiles to retain. When this number is exceeded, the oldest file is deleted. -->
<!-- The total size of all logfiles to retain. This is distributed evenly amongst the number of files. Once this size is exceeded, the oldest file is deleted. -->