Micronaut GCP 3.3.0
v3.3.0 (2020-11-17)
*Main changes:
- Upgrade to Micronaut 2.1.3
Implemented enhancements:
- Adding message ordering capabilities #286 (@viniciusccarvalho)
Closed issues:
- Add message ordering and local endpoints support #284
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade to Micronaut servlet 2.0.5 #300 (@ilopmar)
- [gcp] Update common files for branch master #298 (@micronaut-build)
- [gcp] Update common files for branch master #292 (@micronaut-build)
- Bump jetty-servlet from 9.4.32.v20200930 to 9.4.34.v20201102 #291 (@dependabot[bot])
- Small fixes (in preparation for Ordering support) #285 (@viniciusccarvalho)
- [gcp] Update common files for branch master #277 (@micronaut-build)
- Dependency upgrades #275 (@micronaut-build)
- Cleanup and update build #274 (@ilopmar)
- Bump micronaut-servlet-core from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2 #273 (@dependabot[bot])
- Fixes annotation links in documentation #272 (@JasonTypesCodes)
- Bump google-cloud-pubsub from 1.108.1 to 1.108.4 #271 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump jetty-servlet from 9.4.31.v20200723 to 9.4.32.v20200930 #267 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump jackson-databind from 2.11.2 to 2.11.3 #266 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump micronaut-test-spock from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 #265 (@dependabot[bot])
- Dependency upgrades #264 (@micronaut-build)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator