This guide is for people who want to use funko.
Other guides:
npm install funko
import pipe from 'funko/lib/pipe'
const doMath = pipe([
x => 4*x,
x => 2 + x,
doMath(10) // 42
Q: There are people who know more of functional programming and create better libraries than you, why did you create funko?
A: As a beginner I got lost in the large number of functions that exist in these libraries. I just wanted to know what functions are most important when starting out with functional programming. Another problem I faced was that the implementation of these libraries can sometimes be difficult to read and understand. As a result, funko exposes a relatively small set of functions and monads and its implementation is as easy to understand as I could make it.
Thank you:
- Avaq for introducing me to functional programming,
- Dr Boolean for your mostly adequate guide,
- Ramda for letting me play with your functions,
- Babel for letting me use ES2015,
- node-package-skeleton for the starting point for package development.